Maltese MEP Alfred Sant promised Gozitan University students that he would continue to insist that the European Commission should recognize that small island states like Gozo do not affect the EU single market highlight and that state aid and competition rules should be adjusted to make up for negative effects on Gozo due to its double insularity. Dr. Sant, who visited the Gozo Week organised by ‘Gozitan University Group’ (GUG) at the University of Malta, congratulated the Gozitan student organisation for voicing the concerns of Gozitan University students and promised them that he would keep raising issues related to Gozo’s double insularity problems at the appropriate fora within the European Parliament.

GUG have, in recent months, been updating Dr. Sant on the problems of Gozitan young people studying in Malta and the lack of suitable jobs for them in Gozo when they finish their tertiary education.


Alfred Sant wiegħed lill-istudenti Universitarji Għawdxin li se jkompli jinsisti li l-Kummissjoni Ewropea tirrikonoxxi li gżejjer żgħar bħal Għawdex ma jaffettwawx is-suq ħieles u li r-regoli tal-għajnuna tal-istat u r-regoli tal-kompetizzjoni għandhom jagħmlu tajjeb għall-effetti negattivi tal-insularita` doppja ta’ Għawdex. Dr Sant, li żar il-‘Gozo Week’ organizzata mill-‘Gozitan University Group’ (GUG) fl-Universita` ta’ Malta feraħ lill-organizzazzjoni żagħżugħa talli tagħti vuċi lill-istudenti Universitarji Għawdxin. Dr Sant wiegħed li se jkompli jitkellem fuq kwistjonijiet relatati mal-inularita` doppja ta’ Għawdex fil-fora speċifiċi tal-Parlament Ewropew.

Il-grupp ta’ studenti Universitarji (GUG) ilhom dawn l-aħħar xhur jiltaqgħu u jitkellmu ma’ Dr Sant dwar il-problemi taż-żgħażagħ Għawdxin li jistudjaw Malta u dwar in-nuqqas ta’ impjiegi adatti għalihom f’Għawdex meta jispiċċaw l-edukazzjoni terzjarja.

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