Explanation of Votes

Fighting customs fraud and protecting EU own resources

I have abstained on this Resolution concerning the fight against customs fraud and the protection of EU own resources. Although the present text presents interesting elements, I disagree with the suggestion of transferring the responsibilities of customs authorities from national to EU level. It is undisputable that the EU and the Member States have to

Explanation of Votes

Rates of Value Added Tax

I have voted against this Report. The European Commission aims at introducing more flexibility for Member States to change the VAT rates that they apply to different products. Several Member States have indeed opted for derogations and they apply further reduced rates too that suit their national market. Further, the proposal aims at safeguarding European

Written Statements

Minimum income for a fair Europe: a right for citizens

Private consumption has grown. Exports and investment have increased. Unemployment continues to fall and it has gotten closer to pre-crisis levels. Profits of corporations have increased. Public deficit and debt levels have been largely brought under control. Not so the share of the economic cake being enjoyed by the working and middle classes; there the

Explanation of Votes

EP resolution on distributed ledger technologies and blockchains: building trust with disintermediation

The European Parliament resolution highlights the potential of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) in various sectors such as energy, healthcare, education, creative industries, financial sector and transport. It can contribute to SMEs growth by reducing transaction costs, intermediation costs and red tape. DLT is a still evolving technology at European level and worldwide and Malta is