Press Releases

A gated development of globalisation should be on G7’s agenda

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that the target of the next G7’s agenda should be a gated development of globalisation. Dr. Sant said that Globalisation needs to be managed. It should not happen all by itself as if it were a force of nature. ‘This should be an item on the

Press Releases

Malta can’t participate in military alliance’s programmes

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant made an explanation of vote in the European Parliament in which he said that Malta is a neutral country and is specifically barred by its Constitution from participating in the programmes of a military alliance. Dr. Sant expressed his views during a debate in the European Parliament on the Common

Press Releases

Growing divergencies between regions and national economies is eurozone’s fundamental problem

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament in Strasbourg that the fundamental problem facing the eurozone,  beyond economic stagnation, is the growing economic divergences between regions and national economies.  Dr. Sant said parts of the eurozone system are benefitting from an internal undervaluation. It allows them to maximize sales of their output within

Press Releases

We urgently need a european policy on legal migration

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said that Europe urgently needs a policy on legal migration. Dr. Sant said that one hopes that European political actors will place solidarity on their political agenda and embrace a fairer allocation system. ‘We urgently need a European policy on legal migration. For while the inflows of irregular migrants cause

Press Releases

L-Ewropa għandha timmodernizza l-istrutturi tagħha biex tirriforma l-mudell soċjali tagħha

L-Ewroparlamentari Malti Alfred Sant qal li l-isfida preżenti tal-Ewropa hija li tirriforma l-mudell soċjali tagħha billi timmodernizza l-istrutturi tagħha u mhux iddgħajjifhom fl-isfond tal-bidliet soċjali u ekonomiċi li qed iseħħu. Dan l-isforz jaqbel li jkun ikkoordinat mill-pajjiżi individwali, li għandhom jiżguraw is-sehem tas-soċjeta’ ċivili u mhux b’mod ċentralizzat minn fuq għal isfel minn Brussell. L-Unjoni

Press Releases

Three main challenges facing european socialists

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the Parliamentary Group of Socialists & Democrats in Brussels that the effects of the latest election results in the United Kingdom were not an isolated outcome but can be reflected elsewhere in Europe. Socialists in Europe, Dr. Sant said, must focus on three main challenges. European socialists must find