Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant made an explanation of vote in the European Parliament in which he said that Malta is a neutral country and is specifically barred by its Constitution from participating in the programmes of a military alliance. Dr. Sant expressed his views during a debate in the European Parliament on the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union. Dr. Sant said that he was not voting in favour of clauses in the resolutions presented to the European Parliament which refer to common operations of the EU with NATO.
Dr. Sant abstained on the final vote on the report ‘Financing the Common Security and Defence Policy’. He noted that where in this text, security cooperation and joint action by the EU as a whole in collaboration or in tandem with NATO is contemplated and endorsed, he was not in agreement, so long as it is clear that such references do not include or cover neutral states that are members of the EU, unless these autonomously decide to be so associated; and this not least with particular reference to Malta, which as a neutral country, is specifically barred by its Constitution from participating in the programmes of a military alliance.
Dr Sant voted in favour of two other reports on the ‘Common Security and Defence Policy’ and ‘Security and defence capabilities in Europe’ but expressed the same reservations on the neutrality of Malta.

Maltese Version


Alfred Sant għamel spjega tal-vot tiegħu fil-Parlament Ewropew fejn qal li Malta hija pajjiż newtrali u speċfikament hija marbuta bil-Kostituzzjoni tagħha li ma tiħux sehem fi programmi ta’ alleanza militari. Dr. Sant qal li ma kienx se jivvota favur klawsola fir-rizoluzzjoni li tirreferi għal operazzjonijiet komuni bejn l-UE u n-NATO. Dr. Sant qal dan waqt dibatittu tal-Parlament Ewropew fuq is-Sigurta’ komuni u l-politika ta’ Difiża tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Dr. Sant astjena fuq il-vot finali fuq ir-rapport ‘Financing the Common Security and Defence Policy’. L-Ewroparlamentari Malti innota li ma kienx jaqbel fejn hemm riferenza għall-koperazzjoni fis-sigurta’ u/jew azzjoni bejn l-UE u n-NATO, sakemm ikun ċar li dawn ir-riferenzi ma jinkludux stati newtrali li huma membri tal-UE, u sakemm dawn l-istati newtrali ma jiddeċidux b’mod awtonomu li jkunu assoċċjati ma’ din il-koperazzjoni. Dan jgħodd b’mod partikolari għal Malta, qal Dr Sant, li bħala pajjiż newtrali, hija speċifikament marbuta bil-Kostituzzjoni tagħha li ma tiħux sehem fi programmi ta’ alleanza militari.
Dr Sant ivvota favur żewġ rapporti imressqa quddiem il-Parlament Ewropew wieħed intitolat ‘Common Security and Defence Policy’ u l-ieħor ‘Security and defence capabilities in Europe’ iżda esprima l-istess riservi fuq in-newtralita’ ta’ Malta.

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