Alfred Sant esprima l-appoġġ tiegħu għall-abbozz ta’ baġit emendatorju (draft-amending budget) li l-UE adottat. Dan ser jgħin biex iħaffef l-allokazzjoni tal-fondi għar-Riżerva ta’ Aġġustament tal-Brexit.

Ir-Riżerva għall-Aġġustament tal-Brexit hija fond maħluq biex jappoġġja lill-Istati Membri tal-UE li ntlaqtu ħażin mill-ħruġ tar-Renju Unit mill-Unjoni Ewropea. Il-Parlament Ewropew approva l-abbozz ta’ baġit emendatorju b’652 vot favur, 32 kontra u 11-il astensjoni.

L-eks Prim Ministru Sant esprima tħassib li matul dawn l-aħħar sentejn l-effetti “soċjali, ekonomiċi u politiċi” tal-Brexit b’xi mod ġew injorati, minħabba li kien hemm kwistjonijiet oħra meqjusa bħala aktar kritiċi, partikolarment il-pandemija tal-COVID-19. Huwa sostna li sal-lum kumpaniji u nies għadhom qed jesperjenzaw l-effetti negattivi tal-Brexit.

L-MEP Laburista rrimarka li r-Renju Unit huwa esportatur ewlieni tal-Gżejjer Maltin. Fil-fatt, il-valur ta’ oġġetti u servizzi li Malta tixtri mir-Renju Unit jammonta għal 27.3 PERĊENTWAL tal-PGD ta’ Malta, “l-ogħla għal kull Stat Membru.” B’riżultat ta’ dan l-ekonomija tal-Gżejjer Maltin ġiet affettwata ħażin mill-Brexit Dr Alfred Sant iddikjara.

Huwa enfasizza li huwa kuntent bl-ammont relattivament qasir ta’ żmien meħud biex jintlaħaq ftehim dwar dan il-vot u appella li l-istess approċċ għandu jkun applikat fi “strumenti oħra essenzjali ħafna.”

Alfred Sant agrees with the allocation of funds to Member States affected by Brexit

Alfred Sant has expressed his support to the draft-amending budget which the EU has adopted. It will help speed up the allocation of funds to the Brexit Adjustment Reserve.

The Brexit Adjustment Reserve is a fund created to support EU Member States that were severely hit by the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The European Parliament approved the draft-amending budget by 652 votes in favour, 32 against and 11 abstentions.

Former Prime Minister Sant expressed concern that during the last two years the “social, economic and political” effects of Brexit have somehow been disregarded, due to the emergence of other crisis issues, mainly the COVID-19 pandemic. He argued that to this day companies and people are still experiencing the negative impacts of Brexit.

The Labour MEP pointed out that the United Kingdom is a key exporter to the Maltese Islands. In fact, the value of goods and services bought by Malta from the United Kingdom amount to 27.3 PERCENT of Malta’s GDP, “the highest for any Member State.” Correspondingly, the Maltese Islands’ economy has been badly affected by Brexit Dr Alfred Sant stated.

He emphasized that he was happy with the relative short amount of time taken to reach an agreement on this vote and appealed that the same approach is applied in “other very essential instruments.” 

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