Press Releases

PN will try to undermine Malta’s EU Presidency

Alfred Sant, Head of the Maltese Labour Delegation at the European Parliament has warned the Maltese Government that the Nationalist Opposition will be ready to undermine the Maltese Presidency


Ideat ġodda

Xi ħadd qalli: Messna nibdew inżommu kont tal-ideat ġodda li jitqajmu fostna – dwar kif naħsbu, dwar kif inġibu ruħna u dwar x’għandna nwettqu. Semmejtlu kif il-Gvern u oħrajn ikkummissjonaw


Il-Kalkoli meskini

Din l-aħħar ġimgħa fil-Parlament Ewropew fi Strasburgu kelli esperjenza stramba. Ħassejtni lura aktar minn tletin sena ilu, meta fil-Kunsill tal-Ewropa ukoll fi Strasburgu, qamet kritika kbira

Press Releases

The PN has broken the golden rule at the European Parliament

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said today that the vote against the nomination of Leo Brincat to the European Court of Auditors by the MEPs representing the Nationalist Party has broken the

Press Releases

Europe must promote real social justice

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that the way forward for the European Union is through consolidation of existing structures and policies, guided politically and not