Alfred Sant, Head of the Labour Delegation at the European Parliament, said that he was taken aback with the malicious and unfounded allegations that Mr Casa and his friends made on the votes by the Socialists and Democrats at the European Parliament (S&D) on the candidature of Mr Leo Brincat for the European Court of Auditors during the Plenary at the European Parliament. Dr Sant said that in their vast majority the S&D Group voted in favour of Mr Brincat’s candidature. During the S&D meeting before the Plenary there was a unanimous agreement that the S&D vote would be in favour of Mr Brincat. No one aired any objection to this decision.

Dr Sant said that Gianni Pittella, the Head of the S&D deplored the partisan attitude of the EPP and said that in spite it does not reflect his belief, if the EPP continues to follow this partisan attitude on nominations at the European Parliament, the S&D would be constrained to follow suit.

“I must admit I was surprised with the message issued today by the Leader of the Nationalist Delegation at the European Parliament when he stated that if Mr Leo Brincat pursues his candidature for the European Court of Auditors, this would be an affront to the European Parliament.” said Dr Sant.

“I was surprised for this reason:

During the first meeting with the Leader of the Nationalist Delegation at the European Parliament, when we discussed the appointments between Mr Brincat and members of the European Popular Party (EPP) Mr Casa told me :

‘Leo Brincat should not repeat Dr Toni Abela’s “mistake” and should not bind himself with the vote at the European Parliament.’

Dr Sant said that Mr Casa told him that should there be a negative vote in the procedures of the European Parliament, Mr Brincat should make sure to follow his nomination till the very end, pending the decision taken by the Council of Ministers.

“This is what precisely Mr Leo Brincat is doing; he is following Mr Casa’s advice. It is not fair that we say something when we are face to face, and something different when we speak in the public.” said Dr Sant.


Il-Kap tas-Soċjalisti u Demokratiċi fil-Parlament Ewropew (S&D) Gianni Pittella iddeplora l-atteġġjament partiġġjan tal-Partit tal-Popolari Ewropew (PPE) u qal li kontra dak li jemmen fih, jara li jekk il-PPE se jkompli għaddej b’mod partiġġjan fil-voti dwar nomini fil-Parlament Ewropew, l-S&D se jkun kostrett li jagħmel l-istess. Dan qalu Alfred Sant, Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Laburista fil-Parlament Ewropew b’reazzjoni għall-akkużi malizzjużi tal-Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Nazzjonalista fil-Parlament Ewropew dwar il-vot tas-Soċjalisti u Demokratriċi dwar in-nomina ta’ Leo Brincat. Dr Sant qal li stagħġeb bir-referenzi malizzjużi u infondati li għamlu Casa u sħabu għal kif ivvotaw il-grupp tas-Soċjalisti u d-Demokratiċi waqt il-plenarja, fir-rigward tal-kandidatura ta’ Leo Brincat.

Dr Sant qal li fil-maġġoranza enormi tiegħu, il-grupp tas-Soċjalisti u d-Demokratiċi (S&D) vvota favur il-kandidatura ta’ Leo Brincat. Dr Sant qal li fil-laqgħa tal-grupp tad-deputati tal-S&D li saret qabel il-vot dwar in-nomina ta’ Leo Brincat għall-Qorti Ewropea tal-Awdituri fil-plenarja tal-Parlament Ewropew, kien hemm ftehim unanimu biex il-vot tal-S&D ikun favur Leo Brincat. Ħadd ma tkellem kontra.

“Ikolli nistqarr l-għaġeb tiegħi bil-messaġġ li ħareġ illum il-kap tad-delegazzjoni Nazzjonalista fil-Parlament Ewropew, fejn qal li jekk is-Sur Leo Brincat isostni l-kandidatura tiegħu għall-Qorti Ewropea tal-Awdituri, dan ikun affront lill-Parlament Ewropew.

“Stagħġibt għal din ir-raġuni, qal Dr Sant:

Fl-ewwel laqgħa li kelli mal-kap tad-delegazzjoni Nazzjonalista fejn iddiskutejna kif hu kien se jirranġa appuntamenti bejn is-Sur Brincat u membri tal-Partit tal-Popolari Ewropew rigward il-kandidatura tiegħu, qalli dan:

“Leo Brincat m’għandux jirrepeti l-“iżball” ta’ Dottor Toni Abela u m’għandu jagħmel l-ebda wegħda li se joqgħod għall-vot tal-Parlament Ewropew.”

Dr Sant fakkar li skont Casa dakinhar, is-Sur Brincat kellu jkun lest biex jekk tinqala’ xi ħaġa negattiva fil-proċeduri tal-Parlament Ewropew, kellu jkompli sal-aħħar tal-ħatra tiegħu u joqgħod għad-deċiżjoni mill-Kunsill tal-Ministri.“Hu preċiżament dan li qed jagħmel Leo Brincat, skont il-parir li kien tana l-kap tad-delegazzjoni Nazzjonalista. Mhux sew li ngħidu ħaġa meta nkunu wiċċ imb’wiċċ, u ngħidu oħra meta nkunu fil-beraħ.”

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