
Trade relations with Ukraine

17 November 2014 E-009373-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Trade relations with Ukraine Question(s) 1. In view of the recent developments in trade relations with Ukraine, how does the Commission expect the customs authorities of individual Member States to be able to distinguish between goods from Ukraine


Trade carried out by EU SMEs with the US

17 November 2014 E-009372-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Trade carried out by EU SMEs with the US Question(s) 1. Could the Commission present the latest available data regarding the trade carried out by EU SMEs with the US, if possible up to the year 2013? 2.


EU support for investments by microenterprises

17 November 2014 E-009371-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: EU support for investments by microenterprises Question(s) Could the Commission provide a breakdown of the disbursements made, country by country, year by year, programme by programme, with regard to microenterprises? Answer(s) 4 March 2015 E-009371/2014 Answer given by


Cross-national trade by SMEs

17 November 2014 P-009365-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: Cross-national trade by SMEs Question(s) 1. Could the Commission provide the latest data regarding cross-national trade carried out within the EU by SMEs, if possible up to the year 2013? 2. On Union level, but also on a

Plenary and Committee Speeches

ECON Meeting – Intervention with Draghi – 17.11.2014

Let me start by expressing my admiration for the way by which you have balanced the contradictory political calls on the decisions you needed to take. You took them with determination and clarity. You have no elective political responsibilities, neither national nor European. Yet you are called to take decisions that have huge political repercussions



Il-Kummissjoni Juncker donnha twieldet taħt kewkba ħażina. Lanqas laħqu għaddew ġimagħtejn mit-twaqqif tagħha li ma sabitx ruħha taħt attakk; jew aħjar il-President tagħha. Tant li kellu jsejjaħ konferenza stampa u jippreżenta ruħu quddiem il-Parlament Ewropew biex jagħti spjega personali. Fil-Parlament ħassejt li Jean Claude Juncker kien fuq id-difensiva u attent wisq li ma jagħmilx żbalji.

Press Releases


Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that firms hit by warlife and terrorist activities in the so-called Arab Spring countries, including Libya, which lost jobs and business, should also be supported in the same way as businesses adversely affected by globalization. It is unfair that the workers of SMEs, which invested in Libya for instance,