Plenary and Committee Speeches


May I start by thanking the shadow rapporteurs and their staffs, as well as the assistants who worked directly with me, for their inputs in making this draft report possible. They have a very


Imgħaxijiet baxxi

Ix-xenarju ilu hekk u donnu mhux se jinbidel malajr: misjuqa mill-programm ta’ “quantitative easing” tal-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew, li bih dal-Bank qed jixtri kull xahar biljuni ta’ ċedoli ta’ self


Bejn kunsill, kummissjoni u parlament

Resqin lejn in-nofs taċ-ċiklu politiku li fih l-Unjoni Ewropea tmexxi x-xogħol tagħha, talanqas fil-livell tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea. Kwazi sentejn u nofs ilu ċ-ċiklu ġdid

Press Releases

Brexit’s financial implications should be highlighted

Maltese MEP Alfred Sant called on the EU Institutions that are involved in the negotiations on Brexit, to be as clear as possible towards the EU citizens on the challenges and problems that the

Press Releases

European reindustrialization must avoid social dumping

Former Prim Minister Alfred Sant said that reindustrialization in Europe needs a policy designed for all seasons, not when major companies are about to collapse. It needs consistent and effective



Għall-baġit li ġej, moħbija jew fil-beraħ, se jkun hemm sfida qawwija. Waqt li l-Gvern għandu kull interess politiku issa – u sew jagħmel – li jara kif bil-miżuri li jieħu, itejjeb il-qagħda