
A European Grandparents’ Day

27 November 2014 E-009941-14 Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 130 Alfred Sant (S&D) Subject: A European Grandparents’ Day Question(s) A European Grandparents’ Day would serve as a way to give recognition to the economic and social role still played by grandparents in post-modern society, in particular their role in keeping the structure

Explanation of Votes

The powers of the European Central Bank to impose sanctions (A8-0028/2014 – Kay Swinburne) – 26.11.2014

My vote is bound to the following reservation: In reforms being introduced as part of the Banking Union, we need to give more attention to the impact that the ongoing changes will have on operating costs of banks and on banks’ propensity to lend. Necessary as they are from a certain perspective, current bank regulation

Plenary and Committee Speeches

Recognition of Palestine statehood – 26.11.2014

Those of us who are equally the friends of Jews and Palestinians must again today condemn the recent attacks on Israeli churchgoers and balance this with disapproval of Israeli policies towards the Palestinians. Our declarations have little to no impact. Outsiders – Americans, Russians, jihadists, Europeans – cannot make peace happen in Israel and Palestine. Only, the

Press Releases

Sant’s Intervention in the Plenary Session in Strasbourg

‘The investment rate in the European Union had been decreasing well before the 2008 crisis.’ said the Euro Parliamentarian Alfred Sant in the plenary session in Strasbourg. ‘Following this crisis, stagnation continued to spread.’ In his intervention the MEP said that to reach higher levels of competitivity in order to create new jobs, internal devaluation



Tressqet mozzjoni ta’ sfiduċja fil-Parlament Ewropew kontra l-President tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea Jean Claude Juncker. Tiċċensurah minħabba dak li ġie zvelat bil-“Luxleaks” dwar kif meta Juncker kien Prim Ministru tal-Lussemburgu, dan il-pajjiz għamel arranġamenti ma’ kumpaniji kbar biex jippermettilhom iħallsu ħafna u ħafna anqas taxxi milli suppost. Instabu bizzejjed voti ta’ deputati skont ir-regoli tal-Parlament biex il-mozzjoni

Press Releases


Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, said that the unemployment rate in the EU countries is unacceptably high and within it, the youth percentage of unemployment is socially unacceptable. Draghi, reacting to Alfred Sant’s remarks during the monetary committee at the European Parliament in Brussels, said that the current performance of the euro