I abstained on the final vote on this resolution because I doubt how worthwile it is for this Parliament to express an opinion now about the ongoing Brexit negotiations.
Political groups are being informed by their assigned representatives about what is going on. At least this is being done very well within the S & D group.
Proclamations now by the European Parliament seem premature, indeed superfluous.
What the European Parliament should concentrate upon at this stage is identifying – item by item – sectors where the upcoming divorce with the UK will have concrete and swift impact on our constituents.
We should then strive to define on a forward basis, the best solution to the problems thus identified.
For instance, I was alerted to the fact that with Brexit, life and other pension agreements contracted with British insurance companies by EU citizens could become legally inoperative (the same holds for “vice versa” arrangements).
This could have a big impact on say, citizens of Malta, where personal agreements on private pensions would most likely be held through British companies.
As a priority, we need to know along the line, about all such scenarios, to make sure none of our citizens lose out.

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