The terrorist attacks which took place in Europe showed that a European response to the threat to fundamental freedoms and democratic values is indispensable.
The resolution of the EP on terrorism for which I voted goes in the right direction.
But it carries some flaws.
It makes erroneous connections between migration and terrorism.
It overemphasizes “religion” as an inspiration for terrorism.
The resolution deals comprehensively and in a holistic manner with the threats posed by terrorism,
focusing on an enhanced cooperation at European level in order to make it harder for terrorists to operate.
While always respecting the neutrality of certain member states, such cooperation should be designed to enhance our capacity to detect possible threats in advance, by investing in new tools of surveillance, cyber defence structures and data sharing.
Surveillance at the EU external border should be reinforced to identify convicted terrorists and persons that pose threat to public security from being granted asylum.
The victims of terrorism should be helped with adequate financial support and protection.
In the resolution, I would have liked to see a deeper review of the problems posed by the distrust between national security apparatuses, that impedes the flow of information and the ongoing organization of joint intelligence operations.

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