Question for written answer
to the Commission
Rule 130
Alfred Sant (S&D)

Subject: Commission meetings with lobbyists from the tobacco industry (013537-15)


Could the Commission please provide a list of the meetings held by members of the Commission and of its staff with lobbyists from the tobacco industry under the present mandate?
Does the Commission intend to tighten its public reporting on such meetings in line with the recommendations of the European Ombudsman?
Could it publish the submissions it made to the Ombudsman regarding meetings and contacts with lobbyists carried out under the Barroso Commission?

Answer given by Vice-President Timmermans on behalf of the Commission (17.11.2015)

Regarding the first question, the Commission would refer the Honourable Member to the publicly-accessible lists of meeting held by each Commissioner and his/her cabinet, as well as senior members of Commission staff [1] [2].

Regarding the second question, the Commission is currently analysing the recommendations of the ombudsman and is going to reply to them in accordance with the applicable rules.

Regarding the third question, the documents in question are accessible on the website of the European Ombudsman under the case number 852/2014 [3].


Follow-up to Written Question P-013537-15 on Commission meetings with lobbyists from the tobacco industry

In follow-up to the reply provided by Vice-President Timmermans on behalf of the Commission to Written Question P- 013537-15 regarding Commission meetings with lobbyists from the tobacco industry:

– Can the Commission clarify if the publicly-accessible lists of meetings between the Commission and tobacco industry lobbyists include out of office meetings, such as long phone calls, video conferences or informal events?

– Can the Commission provide an estimated date of when the finalised response to the Ombudsman as referred to in the reply to P-013537-15 will be made available to the public?

Maltese Version

Suġġett: Il-laqgħat tal-Kummissjoni mal-lobbisti mill-industrija tat-tabakk
Il-Kummissjoni tista’ tipprovdi lista tal-laqgħat li saru mill-membri tal-Kummissjoni u tal-persunal tagħha mal-lobbisti mill-industrija tat-tabakk taħt il-mandat attwali?
Il-Kummissjoni biħsiebha ssaħħaħ r-rappurtar pubbliku tagħha dwar dawn il-laqgħat f’konformità mar-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-Ombudsman Ewropew?
Tista’ tippubblika l-osservazzjonijiet li għamlet lill-Ombudsman fir-rigward tal-laqgħat u l-kuntatti mal-lobbisti li saru taħt il-Kummissjoni ta’ Barroso?

Tweġiba mogħtija mill-Viċi-President Timmermans f’isem il-Kummissjoni (17.11.2015)

Fir-rigward tal-ewwel mistoqsija, il-Kummissjoni tirreferi lill-Onorevoli Membru għal-listi li huma aċċessibbli għall-pubbliku, tal-laqgħat li saru minn kull Kummissarju u l-Kabinett tiegħu jew tagħha, kif ukoll ta’ membri anzjani tal-persunal tal-Kummissjoni [1] [2].

Rigward it-tieni mistoqsija, il-Kummissjoni bħalissa qed tanalizza r-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-Ombudsman u se twieġeb f’konformità mar-regoli applikabbli.

Rigward it-tielet domanda, id-dokumenti inkwistjoni huma aċċessibbli fil-websajt tal-Ombudsman Ewropew bil-każ numru 852/2014 [3].

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