Question for written answer E-003736/2015
to the Commission
Rule 130
Alfred Sant (S&D)

Subject: Land use in the EU


Can the Commission say what percentage of the surface area of the EU25, EU27 and EU28 is covered:
1. by industrial, commercial and transport infrastructure?
2. by residential areas?
3. by agriculture, natural areas and forest?

Joint answer given by Ms Thyssen on behalf of the Commission
Written questions :E-003736/15 , E-003735/15

The Honourable Member will find the requested information in Annexes 1 and 2.
The concept of ‘Land Use’ referring to the associated socioeconomic use of land is different from the ‘Land Cover’ describing the ‘bio-geophysical’ coverage of the earth.
Figures provided in the tables in Annex 1 refer to Land Use definition and have been derived from the latest LUCAS(1) survey 2012(2) covering 27 EU countries and observations on more than 270 000 points across EU using harmonised methodology. The LUCAS survey is carried out by Eurostat every third year and provides harmonised information on the characteristics and changes in land use and cover for all EU member countries, up to the NUTS2 level of detail. Currently, the 2015 survey is ongoing.
For more detailed information on land use and land cover please see Annex 2.

Click link to download Annex 2

Maltese Version

Tweġiba tas-Sinjura Thyssen (10.5.2015)

L-Onorevoli Membru għandu jsib l-informazzjoni li talab fl-Annessi 1 u 2.
Il-kunċett ta’ “Użu tal-art” b’referenza għall-użu soċjoekonomiku u assoċjat tal-art , huwa differenti mill-kunċett ta’ “Kopertura tal-art” li jirreferi għall-kopertura “bijoġeofiżika” tad-dinja.

Iċ-ċifri li jingħataw fit-tabelli tal-Anness 1 jirreferu għad-definizzjoni tal-Użu tal-Art u nkisbu mil-iżjed stħarriġ riċenti tal-LUCAS tal-2012 li sar f’27 pajjiż tal-UE dwar ‘il fuq minn 270 000 post madwar l-UE bl-użu ta’ metodoloġija armonizzata. L-istħarriġ LUCAS jitwettaq mill-Eurostat kull tliet snin u jipprovdi tagħrif armonizzat dwar il-karatteristiki u t-tibdil fl-użu tal-art u tal-kopertura għall-pajjiżi kollha li huma membri tal-UE sal-livell ta’ dettall ta’ NUTS2. Bħalissa qed isir l-istħarriġ tal-2015.

Għal aktar dettalji dwar l-użu tal-art u l-kopertura tal-art jekk jogħġbok, ara l-Anness 2.

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