Question for written answer
to the Commission (Vice-President/High Representative)
Rule 130
Alfred Sant (S&D)

The blockade of the Gaza Strip has been in place for over eight years. This has had devastating implications for civilians in Gaza as it severely limits their access to essential goods, including medical supplies and materials necessary for reconstruction efforts. The resultant adverse economic effects means that 90% of businesses have ceased to operate since 2007, and 80% of the population are now reliant on international aid. International law recognises Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as one territorial entity, and the UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs has declared that the blockade amounts to a collective punishment of all those living in Gaza, and is a denial of basic human rights, in contravention of international law.

In the light of this, the VP/HR is asked to answer the following:
1. What measures is the EEAS taking to help accelerate a decision to end the blockade and ensure that necessary humanitarian assistance is made available in Gaza?
2. Is the EEAS willing to set a timeframe for ending the blockade, and, if so, what measures will be taken to engage Israel in this process?
3. Does the EEAS consider the blockade of Gaza, in its current form, to be in contravention of international law?

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