The Leader of the Opposition and of the so-called Nationalist Party (PN) must shoulder the political damage being done by the PN MEPs at the European Parliament, said Alfred Sant at a political meeting in Marsaxlokk. The PN opposition pulled its weight in the drawing up of the resolution on the rule of law in Malta. Surely with the intention of harming Malta, the PN MEPs have been systematically demanding that the resolution is taken up. For months they have been telling fake stories about Malta to the European Popular Party (EPP), the largest European parliamentary group. During the preparation of the resolution, the most elementary principles of fair play and objectivity have been ignored.

“The PN’s only contentment is to harm Malta’s reputation in Europe. This is not acceptable.”

Alfred Sant maintained that the conclusions of the resolution are confused; they are built on false or erroneous premises. By this resolution, he held, much ignorance of Malta’s historical reality was shown, if not also scorn.

The proponents of this resolution, Alfred Sant held, are tarnishing the European Parliament’s credibility to the point of undermining any potential confirmation of the rule of law within the European Union or outside of it.

“With false holiness, and with putting up airs as the best experts of democracy and the rule of law, but with concealed, though transparent, partisan objectives,” Alfred Sant commented, “the proponents of the resolution have placed the European Parliament in a position of prosecutor, jury and judge simultaneously.”

The European Parliament’s vote on the resolution on Malta and Slovakia does no honour to the same parliament.


Il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni u tal-Partit hekk imsejjaħ Nazzjonalista jrid jerfa’ r-responsabbilta` tal-ħsara politika li qegħdin jagħmlu r-rappreżentanti tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fil-Parlament Ewropew. Dan qalu Alfred Sant f’laqgħa politika f’Marsaxlokk. L-Oppożizzjoni Nazzjonalista kellha sehem kbir fit-tfassil tar-Riżoluzzjoni tas-Saltna tad-Dritt dwar Malta. Il-membri Ewroparlamentari tal-PN b’mod sistematiku ilhom jinstigaw li titla’ din ir-Riżoluzzjoni biex jagħmlu ħsara lil Malta. Ilhom ix-xhur jisqu gideb dwar Malta lill-Partit Popolari Ewropew, l-akbar grupp fil-Parlament Ewropew. Fit-tħejjija tar-riżoluzzjoni l-aktar prinċipji elementari tal-fair play u tal-oġġettivita` twarrbu għal kollox.

“Is-sodisfazzjon tal-PN huwa li jagħmlu ħsara lil Malta fl-Ewropa. Dan mhux aċċettabbli.”

Alfred Sant qal li l-konklużjonijiet tar-Riżoluzzjoni dwar is-Saltna tad-dritt f’Malta kienu mħawda u mibnija fuq premessi foloz jew żbaljati, u intweriet injoranza tar-realta` storika ta’ pajjiżna, jekk mhux disprezz lejha.

“B’mod ta’ qdusija falza, b’arja li huma l-aqwa esperti fid-demokrazija u fit-tmexxija skont ir-regoli tal-liġi, bi skopijiet partiġġjani moħbija imma trasparenti, dawk li ħadmu biex ivaraw ir-riżoluzzjoni poġġew lill-Parlament f’pożizzjoni fejn għamilha ta’ prosekutur, ġurija u imħallef.”

Alfred Sant qal li dawk li mexxew din ir-riżoluzzjoni tellfu lill-Parlament Ewropew kull kredibilita` meta jersaq biex jingħata xi rwol serju fil-konferma tal-istat tad-dritt fl-Unjoni Ewropea jew barra minnha.

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