Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told Gozitan youths and students that he will continue to insist at the various fora of the European Parliament that depopulation in small EU islands like Gozo will become irreversible unless exceptional measures are allowed which do not necessarily comply with wider EU rules and policies. Gozitan youths from the Gozo Youth Council (GYC) and the Gozo University Group (GUG) expressed their concerns on the lack of employment opportunities in Gozo and by the resultant brain drains being experienced on the island of Gozo. The Gozitan youths, meeting the Maltese MEP at the University campus in Gozo, said that although they realise that their prospects today of building a career are only in Malta and beyond, they still aspire and wish that Gozo will offer more work opportunities for the Gozitans to be able to remain in their island home. For this to happen Gozo needs immediate investment in its economic infrastructure, foremost amongst which is a second Fibre optic cable, the youths told Dr Sant.
Reacting to the students’ concerns, Dr Sant said that together with MEPs from other Mediterranean countries, he is pressing for special treatment from the European Commission for islands like Gozo, without a national capital, which are attached to an island state. Dr Sant told the students that earlier this year he amended a resolution on the insularity in island regions at the European Parliament specifically addressing Gozitans’ concerns that the island’s special circumstances warrant special treatment.
The students highlighted the need of better synergy between the academic and vocational educational institutions and employment generators and employment seekers. They mentioned their concerns on the lack of equality between wages paid in Malta and those paid in Gozo. With regards to job opportunities within the hotel industry, both youths and the Maltese MEP noted that replacement investment is not being done within such industry, causing downsizing in the industry. They also explained their involvement in encouraging other youths in developing their talents and abilities through various workshops and sports activities.
Dr. Sant said that unfortunately this is also the trend in small islands in Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Greece and Croatia which face similar challenges. These islands face similar problems, lack of connectivity which translates into higher expenses for transportation and limited economic activities. Dr Sant told the students that in the various fora of the European Parliament he highlights the case of Gozo, which notwithstanding that the national economy is experiencing positive results, Gozitan youths feel there aren’t enough opportunities for them on the island. Dr. Sant invited the youths to attend the S&D Public debate organized by his Office in Gozo and discuss how Gozo can develop in Europe. The debate will be held on Friday 28 October at the Grand Hotel in Gozo and Gozitans are being invited to attend and forward their ideas on the subject.

Maltese Version – Gżejjer żgħar bħal għawdex jitilfu aktar żgħażagħ jekk l-ue ma tillaxkax ir-regoli tagħha

Sakemm l-Unjoni Ewropea ma tillaxkax ir-regoli u l-politika tagħha, gżejjer żgħar bħal Għawdex jibqgħu jitilfu aktar żgħażagħ li jkollhom ifittxu l-futur tagħhom f’Malta. Dan qalu Alfred Sant lil rappreżentanti tal-Gozo Youth Council (GYC) u Gozo University Group (GUG) f’laqgħa fil-campus ta’ Għawdex tal-Universita’ ta’ Malta. Iż-żgħażagħ Għawdxin qalu lil Dr Sant li għalkemm jifhmu li llum ikollhom jagħmlu karriera f’Malta jew lil hinn minnha, xorta jixtiequ aktar opportunitajiet ta’ xogħol f’Għawdex. Huma qalu li jeħtieġ investiment fl-infrastruttura tal-ekonomija, fosthom it-tieni ‘Fibre optic cable’.
Dr Sant qal li flimkien ma’ MEPs oħra minn pajjiżi tal-Mediterran qed jinsisti għal trattament speċjali mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea għal gżejjer bħal Għawdex, li m’għandhomx belt kapitali. Aktar kmieni dis-sena Dr Sant emenda riżoluzzjoni fil-Parlament Ewropew dwar l-insularita’ tal-gżejjer u enfasizza fit-test finali li ċ-ċirkostanzi speċjali ta’ Għawdex jitolbu trattament speċjali għal Għawdex mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea.
L-istudenti saħqu għal sinerġija aħjar bejn l-istituzzjonijiet akkademiċi u vokazzjonali u d-dinja tax-xogħol. Semmew it-tħassib tagħhom dwar l-inugwaljanza fil-pagi f’Malta u f’Għawdex. Dwar opportunitajiet ta’ xogħol fl-industrija tat-turiżmu, iż-żgħażagħ u Dr Sant qablu li hemm nuqqas ta’ investiment f’dal-qasam. Iż-żgħażagħ semmew l-involviment tagħhom biex jinkoraġġixxu żgħażagħ oħra jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom f’laqgħat u attivitajiet sportivi.
Dr Sant qal li sfortunatament il-qagħda f’Għawdex hija riflessa fi gżejjer żgħar oħra f’Cipru, l-Italja, Spanja, il-Greċja u l-Kroazja li għandhom sfidi simili. Dawn il-gżejjer għandhom problem ta’ konnettivita’ u attivitajiet ekonomiċi limitati. “Fil-Parlament Ewropew ngħidilhom li waqt li l-ekonomija ta’ Għawdex sejra tajjeb, iż-żgħażagħ Għawdxin xorta jħossu li m’hemmx opportunitajiet ta’ xogħol għalihom fuq il-gżira tagħhom.” qal Dr Sant liż-żgħażagħ u stidinhom għal dibattitu dwar l-iżvilupp ta’ Għawdex fl-Ewropa l-Ġimgħa 28 ta’ Ottubru fil-Grand Hotel f’Għawdex li huwa miftuħ għal dawk kollha li jridu jagħtu l-fehmiet tagħhom.

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