A delegation from the Economic and Financial Committee of the European Parliament (ECON) visited Lisbon,Portugal and discussed the changes that Portugal has undergone since it exited the “rescue” programme imposed on it by the eurozone in order to overcome the threat of financial meltdown resulting from the 2008 crisis. MEPs from different political groups in the European Parliament, including Maltese MEP Alfred Sant, met representatives of Government, met Portughese Minister of Finance Mario Centeno (centre) and had discussions with representatives of Parliament and civil society in Portugal.

The ECON Delegation included Chair of the ECON Committee MEP Roberto Gualtieri (S&D), Pervenche Berès (S&D) and Pedro Silva Pereira (S&D), MEPs EPP Group Brian Hayes, Georgios Kyrtsos, Esther de Lange, Theodor Dumitru Stolojan and José Manuel Fernandes. MEP Lieve Wierinck represented the ALDE Group.


Delegazzjoni tal-Kumitat Ekonomiku u Finanzjarju tal-Parlament Ewropew (ECON) żaret il-Belt Portugiża ta’ Lisbona u ddiskutiet it-tibdil li seħħ fil-Portugall wara li l-pajjiż ħareġ mill-programm ta’ salvataġġ impost miż-żona Ewro biex jegħleb il-problemi finanzjarji li rriżultaw mill-kriżi tal-2008. Ewroparlamentari minn gruppi politiċi differenti tal-Parlament Ewropew, inkluż l-Ewroparlamentari Alfred Sant, iltaqgħu ma’ rappreżentanti tal-Gvern, iltaqgħu wkoll mal-Ministru tal-Finanzi Portugiż Mario Centeno (fin-nofs) u kellhom taħditiet mar-rappreżentanti tal-Parlament u s-soċjeta` ċivili Portugiża.

Id-delegazzjoni ECON inkludiet ic-Chairperson tal-Kumitat ECON l-Ewroparlamentari Roberto Gualtieri (S&D), Pervenche Berès (S&D) u Pedro Silva Pereira (S&D). Kien hemm ukoll l-Ewroparlamentari tal-Grupp tal-EPP Brian Hayes, Georgios Kyrtsos, Esther de Lange, Theodor Dumitru Stolojan u José Manuel Fernandes. L-Ewroparlamentari Lieve Wierinck f’isem il-Grupp ALDE.

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