The Head of the Maltese Labour Delegation at the European Parliament told the heads of national delegations and the bureau of the S&D Group of the European Parliament in Brussels that European Socialists should first and foremost defend, and be seen to defend, the interests of the working people of Europe. Dr. Sant addressed a meeting which discussed the latest political developments in Europe, with foremost on the agenda the immigration crisis. Sant said that voters across Europe are coming to understand that when faced with a choice between ‘Europe’ and the interests of European working people, socialist parties and the S&D will choose ‘Europe’.

Moreover, Sant said, European socialists are giving the impression that they don’t have their own proposals on the latest developments. “The perception is that we are mostly following the policies of the right, and in some instances, just reacting to the events that are continuously evolving on the continent. I cannot agree with such an approach.’ he claimed.

Dr. Sant said that European socialists are failing to develop a policy that responds to the changes occurring in Europe, while safeguarding the interests of working people in Europe. Inertia and the lack of credibility in different sectors like immigration, the Greek crisis (where the S&D is backing an agreement that will surely not function well) and the impasse in the confrontation with Russia over Ukraine have a common cause. They arise from the failure to give the interests of working people overall priority when seeking to understand the current challenges and devising new socialist strategies.

The meeting was chaired by Gianni Pittella, President of the S&D.


Il-Kap tad-delegazzjoni Laburista Maltija qal lill-kapijiet tad-delegazzjonijiet nazzjonali u lill-membri tal-Bureau tal-S&D fi Brussell li l-prijorita` tas-Soċjalisti Ewropej għandha tkun l-interessi tal-ħaddiema Ewropej u jkun tajjeb li jidhru li qed jagħmlu dan. Dr Sant kien qed jindirizza laqgħa li fiha ġew diskussi l-aħħar żviluppi politiċi fl-Ewropa, b’mod partikolari l-kriżi tal-immigrazzjoni. Sant qal li l-votanti madwar l-Ewropa qed jirrealizzaw li meta l-għażla tkun bejn ‘Ewropa’ u l-interessi tal-ħaddiema Ewropej, il-Partiti Soċjalisti u l-S&D qed jagħżlu l-‘Ewropa’.

Sant qal li s-Soċjalisti Ewropej qed jagħtu l-impressjoni li ma għandhomx il-proposti tagħhom dwar dak li qed iseħħ bħalissa. ‘Il-perċezzjoni hija li ħafna drabi qed nimxu wara l-istess politika tal-lemin, u xi minn daqqiet nirreaġixxu biss għall-bidliet li qed iseħħu kontinwament fil-kontinent. Ma nistax naqbel ma’ din l-atitudni. Is-Soċjalisti Ewropej mhux qed jirnexxielhom joħolqu politika li tirrispondi għall-bidliet li qed iseħħu fl-Ewropa, u li fl-istess ħin tħares l-interessi tal-ħaddiema. ‘In-nuqqas ta’ kredibilita` f’setturi differenti bħall-immigrazzjoni, il-kriżi tal-Greċja (fejn l-S&D qed taqbel ma’ ftehim li żgur mhux se jaħdem tajjeb) u s-sitwazzjoni tar-Russja u l-Ukraina għandhom l-istess kaġun. Wasalna sa hawn għax l-interessi tal-ħaddiema Ewropej ma ngħatawx prijorita` u għaliex ma ġewx imfassla strateġiji soċjalisti ġodda.’ Qal Dr. Sant.

Il-laqgħa tmexxiet minn Gianni Pittella, President tal-S&D

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