Members of the European Parliament led by Maltese MEP Alfred Sant have launched a written Declaration calling for The European Commission and the European Council to work towards a Europe-wide recognition of obesity as a chronic disease. The MEPs are leading a major new initiative to tackle Europe’s rising obesity epidemic that is now costing governments more than €70 billion a year in healthcare costs and lost productivity.
The written declaration highlights the prediction that by 2030 over 50 % of Europeans will be obese. In some countries the number of people who will be overweight or obese may even exceed 90 %.
“Obesity is already estimated to cost the European Union €70 billion annually in healthcare costs and lost productivity. The total burden is likely to be even higher, as obesity causes many other diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Better prevention and treatment of obesity will provide tangible healthcare system savings, as well as reducing the suffering of the millions affected,” says Dr. Sant.
Speaking at a Healthy Breakfast event, held for MEPs at the European Parliament to launch the Declaration today, Dr Sant stressed that obesity is complex and is caused by many different factors, including medical, cultural and socioeconomic dynamics.
“This being the case, there is an urgent need to recognise obesity as a disease in order to ensure better mobilisation of resources when it comes to the prevention, treatment and care of the disease,” he said.
Among other speakers at the event were Dr Roberto Bertollini, Chief Scientist and WHO Representative to the EU; Dr Nathalie Farpour-Lambert, President Elect of the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO); and Ellen Govers from the European Federation of the Association of Dietitians.
The World Health Organization says that both societies and governments need to act to curb the growing obesity epidemic. “National policies should encourage and provide opportunities for greater physical activity, and improve the affordability, availability and accessibility of healthy foods. They should also encourage the involvement of different government sectors, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders,” says WHO.
The MEPs who have jointly initiated the Written Declaration with Mr Santare Enrico Gasbarra (S&D), Marc Tarabella (S&D), Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD), PatricijaŠulin(PPE), Giovanni La Via (PPE), TomášZdechovský (PPE), Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), Edward Czesak (ECR), and ÁngelaVallina (GUE/NGL).
The Healthy Breakfast event was held in conjunction with The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) as one of the initiatives held in the run up to European Obesity Day, which takes place on 21 May.

For further information
Please see the European Obesity Day website:;
The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO);
The World Health Organisation


Membri Parlamentari Ewropej, immexxija mill-Ewroparlamentari Malti Alfred Sant, nidew dikjarazzjoni bil-miktub li talbet lil Kummissjoni Ewropea u lil Kunsill Ewropew biex jirrikonoxxu l-obesita` bħala marda kronika. Membri tal-Parlament Ewropew qed imexxu inizjattiva li tiffoka fuq l-epidemija tal-obesita` li qed tiżdied fl-Ewropa u li qed tiswa lil gvernijiet Ewropej aktar minn €70 biljun fis-sena f’servizzi tas-saħħa u produttivita` mitlufa.
Id-dikjarazzjoni tbassar li sas-sena 2030, aktar minn 50% tal-Ewropej se jkunu obesi. F’ċertu pajjiżi, in-numru ta’ nies li se jkollhom piż żejjed jew obesita` jista’ jaqbeż saħansitra d-90%.
“Diġa` huwa stmat li l-obesita` qed tiswa lil Unjoni Ewropea mas-€70 biljun fis-sena f’servizzi tas-saħħa u produttivita` mitlufa.” qal Dr Sant. “Il-piż tal-ispejjeż kollha jaf ikunu aktar minn hekk, għax l-obesita` tikkawża mard ieħor, bħal pereżempju d-dijabete, mard tal-qalb u forom ta’ kanċer.”
“Titjib fil-prevenzjoni u t-trattament tal-obesita` joffri tnaqqis tanġibbli fin-nefqa tas-servizzi tas-saħħa, kif ukoll inaqqsu t-tbatija tal-miljuni ta’ nies li huma affettwati b’din il-marda. L-obesita` hija kumplessa għax ikkawżata minn fatturi differenti; fatturi li jinkludu dawk mediċi, kulturali u anki soċjo-ekonomiċi. Minħabba din is-sitwazzjoni, hemm bżonn urġenti li l-obesita` tkun rikonoxxuta bħala marda biex ir-riżorsi jkunu użati aħjar f’dak li għandu x’jaqsam mal-prevenzjoni, it-trattament u l-kura tal-marda.” qal Dr Sant.
Kelliema oħra preżenti f’din l-okkażjoni kienu Dr Roberto Bertollini, Chief Scientist u rappreżentant tal-WHO għall-UE; Dr Nathalie Farpour-Lambert, President Elect of the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO); and Ellen Govers mill-European Federation of the Association of Dietitians.
L-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tas-Saħħa (WHO) qalet li s-soċjeta` u l-gvernijiet għandhom jaħdmu biex tkun ikkontrollata l-epidemija tal-obesita`. “Il-politika nazzjonali tal-pajjiżi għandha tinkoraġġixxi u tipprovdi opportunitajiet għal aktar attivita` fiżika. Kif ukoll għandha tiżgura li l-ikel sustanzjuż ikun aċċessibbli, disponibbli u bi prezzijiet raġonevoli. Nies minn setturi differenti tal-Gvern, mis-soċjeta` ċivili u mis-settur privat ukoll għandhom ikunu involuti.” qalet il-WHO.
Il-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej li ħolqu flimkien id-dikjarazzjoni bil-miktub ma’ Dr Sant huma Enrico Gasbarra (S&D), Marc Tarabella (S&D), Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD), Patricija Šulin (PPE), Giovanni La Via (PPE), Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE), Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), Edward Czesak (ECR), u Ángela Vallina (GUE/NGL).

Għal aktar informazzjoni
Jekk jogħġbok żur is-sit elettroniku tal-Ġurnata Ewropea tal-Obesita`:;
Is-sit elettroniku European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO):;
World Health Organisation:

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