Simon Busuttil should have resigned immediately from Parliament after the publication of Magistrate Aaron Bugeja’s conclusions on the unfounded Egrant allegations, but if Busuttil refuses to do so it will be in the interests of the Labour Party. Simon Busuttil has become a millstone hung around the PN’s neck, said Alfred Sant, Head of the Maltese S&D Delegation at the European Parliament.
Dr Sant, taking part in the radio programme ‘Sibt il-Punt’ interviewed by Manuel Micallef on ONE Radio, described the definitive and clear Enquiry conclusions as a ‘plus point’ for Malta and for the Judiciary which showed that the rule of law in Malta is transparent and effective.
Dr Sant reiterated that David Casa should also resign from the European Parliament. Casa took the personal initiative to use European Parliament funds to visit Maria Efimova in Greece with the sole intention of not extraditing the Russian fraudster to Malta.
The Egrant saga is in line with the political strategy that the right in Europe has been following for at least the last thirty years, by which it has concentrated on vilifying the frontrunners of the left and the centre, most times avoiding in this way to propose new policies.
Alfred Sant described Portughese MEP Ana Gomes as “excitable” and her antics as a ‘joke’ , whilst her Portughese colleagues describe her as a ‘fire cracker’.

Alfred Sant said there is an ongoing professional campaign against Malta in the European Parliament. The PM was right to call a snap election which unsettled the PN’s political strategy contrasting with the strategy from that used previously by the PN citing Eddie Fenech Adami’s malicious lie on the EU Referendum eve that he had stopped his son from entering University. Fenech Adami had intentionally broke this lie when he knew that the Labour Party could not refute it.

Dr Sant noted that ‘The Times’ does not have one common editorial policy on the Egrant conclusion. Immediately after the Egrant conclusion ‘The Times’ had asked for Simon Busuttil’s resignation, whilst later they had different views on the calls for Simon Busuttil’s and David Casa’s resignations from both Parliaments.


Simon Busuttil missu irreżenja immedjatament wara r-Rapport tal-Maġistrat Aaron Bugeja, iżda l-Partit Laburista jaqbillu jekk Busuttil ma jirreżenjax għax dan huwa mażżra mal-PN. Dan qalu Alfred Sant dalgħodu fil-programm ‘Sibt il-Punt’ ma’ Manwel Micallef fuq ONE Radio. Alfred Sant reġa’ saħaq li David Casa għandu jirreżenja mill-Parlament Ewropew. Casa mar Ateni bil-fondi tal-Parlament Ewropew biex jixhed favur Maria Efimova biex din ma tintbagħatx lura Malta.
Alfred Sant qal li l-każ tal-Egrant jaqbel mal-istrateġija politika li l-lemin fl-Ewropa ilu jsegwi għal dawn l-aħħar tletin sena fejn il-lemin jikkonċentra fuq il-mexxejja tax-xellug u taċ-ċentru, biex ħafna drabi jevita li joħroġ bi proposti ġodda.
Alfred Sant iddeskriva lill-MEP Portugiża Ana Gomes bħala ‘eċċitata’, l-atteġġjament politiku tagħha bħala ‘ċajta’, filwaqt li sħabha l-Portugiżi jiddeskrivuha bħala ‘suffarell’.

Dr Sant innota li anke ‘The Times’ hija maqsuma dwar ir-riżenja ta’ Simon Busuttil. Immedjatament wara r-rapport tal-inkjesta ‘The Times’ qalet li Busuttil kellu jirreżenja, iżda issa qiegħed jerġa’ jibdielha dwar is-sejħiet għar-riżenja ta’ Busuttil u ta’ David Casa.

Għaddejja kampanja professjonali kontra Malta fil-Parlament Ewropew b’nies imħallsa professjonalment. Għamel sew il-PM li sejjaħ elezzjoni bikrija għax ħarbat l-istrateġija politika tal-PN li kellha l-għan li toħloq u ttawwal l-inċertezza fil-pajjiż. Din it-tip ta’ strateġija kienet bil-maqlub tal-istrateġija tal-PN ta’ snin ilu meta lejlet ir-Referendum Eddie Fenech Adami kien gideb u qal li Alfred Sant kien żammlu lil ibnu milli jidħol l-Universita` meta ma kienx hemm ċans jirribatti din il-gidba malizzjuża, qal Sant.

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