Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that the European Union’s diplomatic leverage with Turkey is restricted and that both sides regard each other with suspicion. Dr Sant said that it was necessary to conclude quickly an agreement between the EU and Turkey on migrant flows. In prevailing circumstances the agreement is the best arrangement possible. However the strategic flaws inherent in it should be recognised, argued the Head of the Maltese Labour Delegation when commenting on the conclusions of the European Council meeting of 17/18 March and the outcome of the EU-Turkey Summit.
“The most important problem remains that Turkey-EU relations have become poisoned by a mutual bad faith that is long term in scope. It goes beyond the ongoing differences that relate to Europe’s critical views about authoritarian developments and human rights issues in Turkey’s governance; the Kurdish question; and the problem of a divided Cyprus. Even if all these issues were resolved, the bad faith would persist.”
Dr Sant said there is still a lack of clarity and honesty regarding Turkey’s future as a member or non-member of the European Union. “Is the EU able, with one voice, to declare unequivocally that should Turkey satisfy all the requirements for it to become an EU member, membership would inevitably ensue? The answer is no.
But this is not acknowledged. So an indispensable basis, one way or another, by which to define EU-Turkey relations longterm is missing. It is another reason why the EU’s diplomatic leverage with Turkey is so restricted and both sides regard each other with suspicion”. Concluded the Maltese MEP.


L-ingranaġġ diplomatiku bejn l-Unjoni Ewropea u t-Turkija huwa ristrett u ż-żewġ naħat qed iħarsu lejn xulxin b’suspett. Dan qalu l-Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Laburista fil-Parlament Ewropew meta kienu diskussi il-konklużjonijiet tal-laqgħa tal-Kunsill Ewropew tas-17 u t-18 ta’ Marzu fis-summit bejn l-UE u t-Turkija. Dr Sant qal li ftehim fuq l-influss tal-immigrazzjoni kien meħtieġ malajr kemm jista’ jkun. Taħt iċ-ċirkustanzi, ma setax jintlaħaq ftehim aħjar. Madanakollu, qal Dr Sant, irridu nirrikonoxxu n-nuqqasijiet strateġiċi li dan għandu.
“L-ikbar problema hija li r-relazzjonijiet bejn it-Turkija u l-UE huma vvelenati min-nuqqas ta’ rieda tajba miż-żewġ naħat. Dan il-velenu ilu hemm u jmur lil hinn mid-differenzi li l-Ewropa tikkritika dwar it-tmexxija awtoritarja u l-kwistjonijiet ta’ drittijiet tal-bniedem fit-Turkija; il-kwistjoni tal-Kurdi; u l-problema tal-firda li teżisti f’Ċipru. Anki jekk jissolvew dawn il-kwistjonijiet kollha, in-nuqqas ta’ rieda tajba xorta tibqa’ tippersisti.”
Dr Sant qal li għad hemm nuqqas ta’ ċarezza u onesta` rigward il-futur tat-Turkija bħala membru jew le tal-Unjoni Ewropea. “L-Unjoni Ewropea tista’, b’vuċi waħda, tiddikjara li jekk it-Turkija tissodisfa r-rekwiżiti kollha li teħtieġ biex tissieħeb fl-UE, din is-sħubija isseħħ? It-tweġiba hija le.
Dan il-fatt qed ikun injorat. Allura għad ma hemmx bażi soda, li b’mod jew ieħor tiddefinixxi r-relazzjonijiet fit-tul bejn l-UE u t-Turkija. Din hija raġuni oħra għaliex l-influwenza diplomatika tal-UE mat-Turkija hija tant ristretta u għaliex iż-żewġ naħat iħarsu lejn xulxin b’suspett.” temm l-Ewroparlamentari Malti.

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