L-istħarriġ tal-opinjoni li sar sa issa jgħid li maġġoranza kbira ta’ Għawdxin jemmnu li mina bejn Għawdex u Malta tkun żvilupp meraviljuż. Naqbel ma’ dawk li jgħidu li trid tara kif tpoġġew il-mistoqsijiet tal-istħarriġ li sar, għax dak jiddetermina kif se tkun ir-risposta.

Is-sentiment f’Għawdex favur il-ħolqien tal-mina qed jingħata sostenn mill-gvern, li wiegħed li se jibniha.

Allura dawk bħali li ma jemmnux li dal-bini se jkun ta’ benefiċċju għal Għawdex imma bil-maqlub, jistgħu jgħidu tagħhom, mingħajr ma jfixklu t-tħaddim ta’ deċiżjoni li se titwettaq.

Tajjeb li wieħed ikompli jsostni allura, kif l-istudji li saru tal-impatti tal-mina għad jonqoshom ħafna irfinar. L-idea kollha kemm hi qatt ma ġiet ittrattata sa issa b’mod rigoruż, li jfittex kif b’mod xjentifiku, iqis x’hemm ta’ ħażin, u tat-tajjeb fil-proġett kollu kemm hu.


Kont f’riċeviment ma’ nies li fl-aħħar snin tawni għajnuna materjali kbira fit-tmexxija tax-xogħol minn Malta tal-Parlament Ewropew. Erġajt sħaqt fuq il-ħtieġa li l-parlamentari Ewropej Maltin – ikunu ta’ liema partit ikunu – jaħdmu qatigħ biex iwasslu fost iċ-ċittadini ta’ pajjiżna, għarfien aħjar ta’ x’qed jiġri fl-Unjoni Ewropea, mil-lat ta’ kif dan jaffettwa l-qagħda taċ-ċittadini f’pajjiżna.

Għad hemm wisq nuqqas ta’ tagħrif, wisq misinformazzjoni dwar hekk. Mhux biss fost iċ-ċittadini “komuni”, imma anke fost oħrajn li mitqiesa ta’ stoffa aqwa.

Vantaġġ li għandu l-Parlament Ewropew hu li minkejja li l-poteri tiegħu nzertaw limitati ħafna, fl-istess ħin għandu mezzi qawwija sew kif jiddobba informazzjoni u analiżi dwar xi jkun għaddej fis-saffi kollha tal-Unjoni Ewropea, minn barra u minn ġewwa.

Dan jagħti lill-parlamentari Ewropej ta’ Malta u tal-membri l-oħra tal-Unjoni, riżorsi tajba ħafna biex juru liċ-ċittadini ta’ pajjiżhom, kif l-affarijiet qed jiżviluppaw. Riżorsi bħal dawn għandhom jintużaw bl-akbar reqqa u persistenza.


Kurjuża l-istorja ta’ kif immigranti rregolari u refuġjati qed jipprovaw jaqsmu bid-dgħajjes, il-kanal “dejjaq” bejn ir-Renju Unit u Franza fi sforz iddisprat biex “jemigraw” lejn ir-Renju.

Rajtha luċida u interessanti rimarka tal-ministru Ingliż ikkonċernat b’dan l-iżvilupp: Minn naħa, il-gvern Brittaniku jrid isaħħaħ il-kontrolli tiegħu fuq min jidħol u joħroġ fil-pajjiż. Mill-oħra, irid jiżgura li pajjiżu se jibqa’ josserva l-liġijiet Ewropej, issa dinjija, li jħarsu d-drittijiet fondamentali tal-bniedem. Pajjiż wara l-ieħor, Malta inkluża, ġie ffaċċjat b’din id-dilemma li għal xi żmien, donnha kienet qisha tinqala’ biss fil-Mediterran.

Jidher li l-istess problema laqtet issa l-Atlantiku. X’miżuri se jitħaddmu biex dawn l-immgranti llegali jitħallew jidħlu, jew le, fir-Renju Unit?

English Version – Gozo tunnel

Opinion polls conducted as of now show that the great majority of Gozitans believe that a tunnel between Malta and Gozo would be a marvellous development. I agree with those who claim that one must take into account the way by which questions were set in the polls conducted, since this influences replies.

The sentiment in Gozo that overall favours the construction of a tunnel has gained the support of the government which is committed to the project.

So those who, as I do, disbelieve that such a construction will benefit Gozo but will achieve the contrary, can put forward their opinions, without disrupting a decision that is now being implemented.

It is important therefore to repeat how the studies about the tunnel that have already been made still need a lot of close analysis. The whole concept has still never been evaluated in a rigorous way, so as to consider scientifically, the pros and cons for the project as a whole.


European Parliament

I attended a reception with people who in past years, were of great material help to me in dealing in Malta with European Parliament issues. With them, I again insisted on the need for Malta’s MEPs – no matter which party they represent – to make great efforts to promote among the citizens of this country, a better awareness of what is happening in the EU, from the perspective of how this could affect them here.

There is still too little knowledge, too much misinformation on this score.Not only among “common” citizens, but just as much among others who are considered to be better informed.

An advantage that the European Parliament has is that though its real powers are quite restricted, it still possesses powerful tools by which to obtain information and analysis about external and internal developments at all levels of the EU.

This gives MEPs from Malta and other parts of the Union some very good resources by which to show citizens of their respective countries how matters are proceeding. Such resources should be used with the strictest attention and persistence.


Atlantic side

It is quite a curious story: irregular migrants and refugees are trying to cross in boats the “narrow” channel between Britain and France as they desperately try to “emigrate” to the UK.

The comment made by the British minister who had to deal with this occurrence was lucid and interesting. On the one hand, the British government needs to strengthen its controls over who enters and leaves the country. On the other, it has to ensure that European – actually world – rules that seek to safeguard fundamental human rights are being respected. One after the other, countries – among which Malta – have been faced with this dilemma that for a time, seemed to be happening only in the Mediterranean.

Apparently, the same problem has now reached the Atlantic too. What measures are going to be adopted to accept or refuse entry into the UK to illegal immigrants as they arrive in their boats?

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