L-Oppozizzjoni u l-Gvern deħlin fi sqaq, tort tal-intransiġenza u l-isterizmu politiku tal-Oppozizzjoni. Din għandha kull dritt tikkritika u tattakka politikament kemm tista’ lill-Gvern dwar il-kaz tal-Ministru Mizzi. Madankollu, li ddaħħlufi kwistjonijiet ta’ tmexxija Ewropea, kif qed tagħmel fir-rigward tal-Presidenza ta’ Malta, biex tisħaq fuq il-“korruzzjoni” li suppost faret f’pajjizna mill-2013 sal-lum, hi eżaġerazzjoni infami li jistħoqqilha kull ribrezz.
Biex tirritalja, in-naħa tal-Gvern qed tixħet is-serċjlajt bl-istess mod, fuq figuri tal-Oppozizzjoni li għandhom patafjun x’jirrispondu dwar korruzzjoni u taħwid tal-poter, minn zmien Fenech Adami lil hawn. Nifhem kif u għaliex dan qed isir, imma l-konsegwenzi se jkomplu jitqalu.
Dil-logħba pwerili se tibqa’ tintlagħab quddiem spettaturi Ewropej li ftit jimportahom mill-istejjer tagħna, speċjalment għax kollha għandhom bizzejjed stejjer simili għaddejja f’pajjizhom.
L-effett ta’ dan kollu qed ikun li jċekken l-isem ta’ Malta u l-Maltin kollha, Laburisti, Nazzjonalisti u x’aktar. Il-fiduċja internazzjonali f’pajjiżna, imnaqqra sew matul is-snin ta’ tmexxija Nazzjonalista, se tkompli tibaxxa.


Kellna diskussjoni interessanti fil-kumitat ekonomiku u finanzjarju tal-Parlament Ewropew dwar pjani li qed jitkewsu għal regoli komuni fl-Unjoni Ewropea fit-tmexxija ta’ kumpaniji li jbigħu l-insurance.
Ir-regoli li qed jiġu proposti għandhom it-tajjeb tagħhom. Imma donnhom tfasslu biex jipprovdu qafas għal kumpaniji relattivament kbar. Impriżi zgħar ħafna bħal dawk li għandna f’Malta jew li jeżistu fi gzejjer u reġjuni mbiegħda donnhom se jiġu trattati bl-istess manjiera bħal imprizi kbar li jfornu l-insurance fi bliet bħal Hamburg jew Pariġi.
Dil-ħaġa tiġri ta’ spiss fl-Unjoni Ewropea – jitħaddem metodu li bih kulħadd ikun mistenni jilbes l-istess zarbun. Għalhekk, konna ħafna fil-kumitat li tkellimna kontra l-mizuri li qed jiġu proposti.



U issa għal xi ħaġa ta’ preġju li qed tinzamm fil-Parlament Ewropew. Bħal ma għamlu pajjizi oħra qabilna fil-Presidenza, qed tittella’ għal biċċa kbira minn das-sitt xhur, wirja ta’ pitturi minn artisti Maltin.
L-organizzaturi jistħoqqilhom kull tifħir. Barra milli għamlu selezzjoni tajba ta’ xogħlijiet, żguraw li jkunu murija b’galbu u ħsieb. L-artisti magħżula ġejjin minn ġenerazzjonijiet differenti. Xorta, jagħtu ħjiel li jifformaw parti minn kultura nazzjonali waħda.
Ix-xogħlijiet huma mdendla f’post minn fejn jgħaddu l-biċċa l-kbira tal-ħafna vizitaturi tal-Parlament – ħaġa li għandha tgħin biex jaslu sa publiku aktar wiesgħa.
Is-segretarju parlamentari Ian Borg, flimkien mal-ambaxxatur għall-Belġju Ray Azzopardi, inawguraw il-wirja b’diskorsi fattwali u informattivi, bla xinxilli – ezatt kif għandhom jiġu inawgurati wirjiet bħal dawn. Nissuspetta li jħallu warajhom impatt ħafna akbar milli jagħmlu l-kunsilli tal-ministri!

English Version – Zero sum game

The Opposition and the Government, have as a result of the former’s intransigence and political hysteria, been driving into a cul-de-sac. The Opposition has every right to criticise and politically attack the Government regarding the allegations about Minister Mizzi. However, to highlight that issue over matters which concern European management, as it is trying to do in relation to the Maltese Presidency of the EU by harping on the corruption that supposedly has dominated the island since 2013, is an act of infamy that merits total contempt.

In retaliation, the Government side is similarly focusing the media searchlight on Opposition personalities who have lots of questions to answer over corruption and abuse of power since the times of the Fenech Adami administrations to date. I understand how and why this is being done, but negative repercussions will multiply.

The puerile game will continue to play out before European spectators who couldn’t care less about our tales of sleaze, especially as bagfuls of them exist in their own countries.

The main effect of all this will be to cheapen the name of Malta and of all Maltese, Labourites, Nationalists or whatever. The international reputation of the country, already devalued significantly during the years of Nationalist rule, will continue to decline.



In the economic and financial committee of the European Parliament we had an interesting discussion over plans that are being laid for the implementation of common EU rules governing companies that sell insurance.

Many aspects of these rules are positive. However it seems as if they were designed to provide a framework for the operations of relatively large companies. Very small enterprises like those prevalent in Malta or which exist in islands and remote regions will be given the same treatment as large enterprises that distribute insurance in cities such as Hamburg or Paris.

It’s a situation that is frequently replicated in the EU, when a one-size-fits-all operating method gets preferred. For this reason, we were many in the committee to criticise the measures that are being proposed.



Now, let’s take note of a prestigious activity being held at the European Parliament. As has been done by other countries at the head of the Union Presidency, an exhibition of paintings by Maltese artists is being put on for the better part of these six months.

The organizers can only be praised for their effort. Not only did they make a good selection of works to be put on show, but they ensured that exhibits are carefully displayed and to good effect. Artists whose works were chosen come from different generations. Even so, they still convey the impression that they form part of one national culture.

The paintings hang in an area through which most visitors to the Parliament have to pass – which helps to give them a very wide public exposure.

Parliamentary secretary Ian Borg, as well as ambassador to Belgium Ray Azzopardi, gave brief, factual and informative speeches to launch the exhibition. That’s how such displays should be inaugurated. I suspect their impact to be much stronger than that of councils of ministers and the rest.

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