Dil-fehma mhix se tkun popolari.

Madankollu, iċ-ċirkostanzi huma tali li jeżisti bżonn urġenti biex fl-aħħar, il-forzi tas-sigurtà f’pajjiżna – il-pulizija u l-armata – jissaħħu bil-kbir. Dan jista’ jsir biss bi pjan tat-tul li jtejjeb tassew, mhux bil-kliem biss kif ġara sa issa, l-istrutturi u l-funzjonament taż-żewġ korpi.

L-aqwa pass, apparti mit-tiġdid u t-titjib tar-riżorsi materjali li jiddisponu minnhom, hu li r-reklutaġġ għar-rangi kollha tal-korpi jsir aktar iebes mil-lat edukattiv. Wara li jsir ir-reklutaġġ, għandu jingħata taħriġ qawwi f’modi moderni tas-sigurtà.

M’għandniex għalfejn noqogħdu nipprovaw nivvintaw ir-rota fl-oqsma konċernati. Għandna nistudjaw u nsegwu l-mudelli ta’ ħaddieħor, attenti – m’hemmx għalfejn ngħidu – biex inkunu żguri li jirrispettaw il-kondizzjonijiet partikolari ta’ pajjiżna.

Ħaġa ċara oħra: Il-pagi u benefiċċji jridu jiġu aġġustati b’mod li jirriflettu modi ġodda ta’ kif is-sigurtà ta’ pajjiżna qed tiġi mħarsa.

Fi żmien ta’ terroriżmu selvaġġ, ma nistgħux nibqgħu ninjoraw il-ħteġiet ta’ ħarsien serju. Jew li nibqgħu kuntenti bl-istat ta’ fatt: fostna, l-“enforcement” jispikka f’kull qasam bl-assenza tiegħu.



Pajjiżna għadu lura sew fil-ħarsien tal-konsumatur.

Dawn huma każi li smajt bihom dan l-aħħar u li baqgħu fl-ajru, għad-dannu tal-konsumatur:

— prodotti tal-ikel skaduti mibjugħa minn ħwienet rispettabbli;

— għamara ordnata li tasal tard, bin-nieqes, b’partijiet magħżula ħażin, b’oħrajn minsija, u bit-tekniċi li jinstallawha jintbagħtu ġimgħa wara li fl-aħħar tkun waslet;

— struzzjonijiet bankarji li jiġu injorati, jitħaddmu bit-tard jew b’mod żbaljat.

Issa veru li personalment fuq l-aħħar punt, kelli l-istess problema għal darba tnejn fi Brussell fl-aħħar sena. Dan ma narah tal-ebda faraġ.

Sonny Borg

Magħruf l-aktar bħala l-fundatur tal-Bortex, Sonny Borg kien wieħed mill-bennejja ta’ Malta moderna.

Tliet darbiet ħdimt mill-qrib miegħu. L-ewwel kien fi tmiem is-snin sebgħin/bidu tas-snin tmenin tas-seklu l-ieħor. Konna t-tnejn deputati chairmen tal-Korporazzjoni tal-Iżvilupp, illum Malta Enterprise. Barra mit-tqanqil politiku, kien żmien meta kienet riesqa riċessjoni ekonomika serja, bl-investiment u l-bejgħ imajnaw. La l-gvern, la l-unjins u lanqas is-settur privat ma riedu jagħrfu r-realtà.

It-tieni darba kienet meta dħalt għal sentejn bħala chairman tal-Bortex minfloku. Il-kumpanija kienet dieħla diġà fi kriżi kbira, forsi l-akbar waħda fl-eżistenza tagħha.

U t-tielet kien meta ssieħeb miegħi fi proġett biex noħorġu magażin ta’ kull xahar bl-Ingliż, “Tomorrow”. Għalkemm ma tantx għamel suċċess, għal Malta kien pijunier f’ċertu tip ta’ rapportaġġ bażat fuq fatti. Illum tgħallimna nagħmluh ħafna aħjar minn tletin sena ilu jew aktar.

Sonny kien mexxej stuż, uman, jara fil-bogħod.

Kondoljanzi lill-familja tiegħu.

English Version – Police and Army

The following cannot be considered a popular point of view.

Yet, current circumstances are such that we urgently need to ensure once and for all, that the island’s security forces – the army and the police – are considerably upgraded. This can only happen if a long term plan to really improve the structures and operations of the two corps is implemented, and not just in words, as has been the case up to now.

The most important move, beyond updating and strengthening the material resources which security forces dispose of, is to subject recruitment at all levels of the corps to more stringent educational requirements. Post the recruitment stage, extensive training in modern security procedures still needs to be given on an ongoing basis.

We do not have to try reinvent the wheel when acting on these issues. We just need to study and adopt other people’s models, with due attention of course to make sure that the particular conditions of this island are taken into account.

One thing is clear: Pay and other remuneration should be adjusted to reflect the new ways by which national security has to be safeguarded.

As terrorism gains ground by adopting no holds barred methods, we cannot ignore the priority of providing for effective security. Nor can we remain complacent about the prevailing state of affairs: enforcement of the laws in all fields of activity remains remarkably absent here.



Serious deficiencies still prevail in consumer protection.

These are cases that recently, I have heard mentioned and which were left pending, to the detriment of consumers:

–respectable shopping outlets still sell food products beyond their expiry date;

–furniture on order is delivered late, with parts missing, others wrongly slotted or mislaid, while technicans needed to install furniture are sent to do so a week after actual delivery;

–banking instructions are ignored, implemented with a delay or mistakenly.

Now it is true: on the last point I personally encountered the same problem in Brussels during the last year. I fail to find that this is any consolation.


Sonny Borg

Though best known as the founder of Bortex, Sonny Borg was one of the master builders of modern Malta.

On three occasions I worked closely with him.

The first time was at the end of the seventies/ beginning of the eighties of the previous century. We both served as deputy chairmen of the Malta Development Corporation, now Malta Enterprise. Over and above the political rifts of the time, a deep economic recession was brewing, including a general decline in investment and sales. The government, the unions, the private sector all were reluctant to face reality.

The second time was when I replaced him as chairman of Bortex for two years. The company was then already plunging into a huge crisis, perhaps the greatest of its existence.

And the third was when he became my partner in a project to issue a monthly English language magazine called “Tomorrow”. It was hardly a big success, but in Malta it broke new ground by presenting facts-based reporting of a certain kind. Today, we have learned to do this much better than was the case thirty years or more ago,

Sonny was an astute, humane, far-sighted leader.

My condolences to his family.

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