Wasal iż-żmien għat-tfassil ta’ strateġija kompluta dwar it-trasbord, bħala attività ekonomika vijabbli għall-pajjiż. Nisimgħu ftit dwarha.
Madankollu, sa minn żmien Lord Strickland, il-partiti politiċi Maltin tista’ tgħid kollha, u r-rappreżentanti tan-negozju privat, ma waqfux jagħmlu ġenuflissjoni quddiem l-idea li bit-trasbord, Malta tkun qed twettaq ħidma utli, li torbot mal-qagħda u l-potenzjal ta’ pajjiżna.
F’dan naħseb li kellhom raġun.
Nisma’ rapporti dwar firxiet kbar ta’ karozzi bojod mill-Korea, jistennew f’xi medda Maltija, biex jintbagħtu lejn l-Alġerija. Bħalhom, tissemma lista’ ta’ prodotti oħra li jitwaqqfu hawn mill-ibgħed irkejjen tad-dinja, biex jintbagħtu lejn destinazzjonijiet oħra fil-Mediterran.
Dan kollu jqawwilna qalbna dwar il-futur tat-trasbord f’pajjiżna. Jikkonferma l-ottimiżmu dwar dan il-qasam muri mill-mexxejja tal-imgħoddi. Imma nisimgħu wkoll dwar l-isfidi u l-problemi ta’ spazju dwar fejn f’pajjiż ċkejken, tista’ sseħħ illum il-ħażna għat-trasbord.
Għalhekk neħtieġu proposta ta’ linja strateġika dwar kif għall-futur, għandu jitmexxa t-trasbord f’politika sostenibbli ta’ żvilupp għall-pajjiż.
Tliet Prim Ministri
Matul l-2016, tliet Prim Ministri Ewropej ħallew fost oħrajn, il-kariga ħabta u sabta.
David Cameron fir-Renju Unit. Matteo Renzi fl-Italja. U Manuel Vals fi Franza. It-tlieta, taħseb x’taħseb dwarhom, urew dinamiżmu u sens ta’ tmexxija.
X’ġara biex kellhom jitilqu jista’ jidher differenti każ minn każ. L-Ingliż telaq għax biex jagħlaq qasma fil-partit tiegħu dwar is-sħubija ta’ pajjiżu fl-Ewropa, ħareġ bis-soluzzjoni li jagħti ċ-ċans lill-poplu li jiddeċiedi jekk riedx jibqa’ fl-Unjoni. Ħaseb li b’hekk, jekk jirbaħ ir-referendum (wara li kien għadu kemm rebaħ elezzjoni ġenerali), se jfejjaq feriti antiki dwar is-suġġett tal-isħubija.
Renzi għamel il-kalkolu li b’referendum, seta’ jibdel id-dinamika politika Taljana u joħloq struttura għal gvernijiet stabbli li jkunu jistgħu jiddeċiedu malajr.
Vals ħalla l-kariga għax il-President Franċiż li serva taħtu ma rnexxilux iwettaq il-wegħdi ta’ titjib ekonomiku u soċjali li kien għamel u ddeċieda li ma jerġax ikun kandidat presidenzjali. Biex ikun jista’ joħroġ minfloku, Vals irriżenja minn Prim Ministru.
Lil hinn mill-hubris li wassal għal dawn id-deċiżjonijiet, ir-riżenji jagħtu xhieda qawwija tal-inkwiet politiku li jtektek fil-qalb tal-Ewropa llum.
Il-presepji dejjem baqgħu magħna.
Għamlu żmien kienu tilfu mill-popolarità. Imbagħad reġgħu kisbuha u bil-kbir. Mill-ġdid, din il-popolarità bdiet tmajna, quddiem l-avvanz ta’ proposti oħra dwar kif nistgħu niċċelebraw il-Milied. Issa jidher li għal darb’oħra, l-interess fil-presepji ħa rankatura.
Kienet inizjattiva tajba dik li jittella’ presepju “Malti” fil-Vatikan. Hi t-tip ta’ proġett li jista’ jiswa għax-xbieha ta’ Malta daqs il-presidenza tal-Unjoni Ewropea, jew forsi aktar.

English Version – Transhipment

Now is the time to compile an overall strategy for transhipment as a viable economic activity for Malta. We need to reflect more about it.

Yet, since the days of Lord Strickland, practically all Maltese political parties as well as private sector representatives, never stopped acknowledging the interest of a transhipment project. They claimed that on its basis, Malta would be undertaking a worthwhile activity, consonant with its situation and potential.

They were right to make the claim.

I get reports about how, in wide areas of Maltese land now, many white cars from Korea wait to be transported to Algeria. Similarly, you get told of long lists of products that are brought here from the farthest reaches of the globe, before being despatched to other Mediterranean destinations.

All of which reinforces belief in the future of transhipment from Malta, thereby confirming the optimism shown on the matter by past decision makers. But meanwhile, there is also talk abut the challenges and problems posed by the lack of available spaces where, in a small island, storage for transhipment could be organised.

That is why we need a strategic proposal outlining how in future, transhipment should be consolidated with a sustainable development programm for the country as a whole.


Three prime ministers

During 2016, three European Prime Ministers among others, suddenly resigned their office.

David Cameron in the UK. Matteo Renzi in Italy. And Manuel Valls in France. Whatever you may think about them, it has to be admitted that the three were dynamic and had a sense of leadership.

On a case by case basis, the reason that led to their departure may look different. The British PM left because he wanted to close an ongoing split in his party over EU membership. His solution was to give the people a say in whether they wanted to stay in the Union or not. He believed that by winning the referendum (just after having won a general election), he could heal deep and old wounds caused by the membership issue.

Renzi’s calculation was that with a positive referendum outcome, he could change the dynamics of the Italian political scene to create a structure within which stable governments would operate in a decisive manner.

Valls left office because the French President who had appointed him did not succeed to deliver on the econmic and social promises he had made, and decided not to stand again as candidate for the Presdiency. In order to stand for it himself, Vals resigned as PM.

Beyond the hubris that led to such decisions, the resignations in themselves given witness to the deep political disquiet that is clouding Europe’s heartbeats these days.



Cribs have always been present in our midst.

For a while, their popularity faded. Then they got it back and in good style. Once again, their popularity declined as other alternatives about how to celebrate Christmas emerged. Now, for one more time, the fascination with cribs has returned.

The initiative to mount a “Maltese” crib at the Vatican was well taken. It is the kind of project that could be as beneficial to Malta’s image as the EU presidency – arguably more.

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