Question for written answer
to the Commission
Rule 130
Alfred Sant (S&D)

Subject: Purchasing Power Standard for islands in the EU

Can the Commission give the Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant in percentage of the EU average for the years 2003 to date for each of the islands which are classified part of less developed regions?

Can the Commission give the Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant in percentage of the EU average for the years 2003 to date for each of the islands of the European Union?

Answer given by Ms Thyssen on behalf of the Commission
The Honourable Member will find the requested information in Annex to this reply.
Islands as geographical entities can appear as regions at NUTS levels 1, 2 and 3.
The lowest geographical level at which the Gross domestic product (GDP) in Purchasing Power Standards per inhabitant is available, in percentage of the EU average, is NUTS level 3 [1]. The time series starts with the reference year 2005.
Eurostat would like to point out that GDP data for reference years 2013 and 2014 is not yet fully available for NUTS levels 2 and 3.
EU island regions were defined as NUTS level 3 regions that are either entirely insular or part of islands without a fixed link (bridge, tunnel) to the mainland

See annex : Annex

[1] The NUTS classification (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) is a hierarchical system for dividing up the economic territory of the EU into three territorial levels, whereby NUTS 1 contains the biggest and NUTS 3 the smallest regions. More information on:

Maltese Version – E-006301/2016

Suġġett: Standard tal-kapaċità tal-akkwist għall-gżejjer fl-Unjoni Ewropea

Il-Kummissjoni tista’ tagħti l-istandard tal-kapaċità tal-akkwist għal kull abitant bħala perċentwal tal-medja tal-UE għas-snin mill-2003 sal-lum għal kull waħda mill-gżejjer ikklassifikati bħala reġjuni inqas żviluppati?
Tista’ tagħti wkoll l-istandard tal-kapaċità tal-akkwist għal kull abitant bħala perċentwal tal-medja tal-UE għas-snin mill-2003 sal-lum għal kull waħda mill-gżejjer tal-Unjoni Ewropea?

Tweġiba tas-Sinjura Thyssenf’isem il-Kummissjoni(7.11.2016)

L-Onorevoli Membru għandu jsib l-informazzjoni li talab mehmuża ma’ din it-tweġiba.

Il-gżejjer bħala entitajiet ġeografiċi jistgħu jidhru bħala reġjuni fil-livelli 1, 2 u 3 tal-klassifikazzjoni komuni ta’ unitajiet territorjali għall-istatistika (NUTS).
L-iktar livell ġeografiku baxx li għalih huwa disponibbli l-prodott domestiku gross (il-PDG) skont l-istandards tal-kapaċità tal-akkwist għal kull abitant, bħala perċentwali tal-medja tal-UE, huwa l-livell 3 tan-NUTS [1]. Is-serje taż-żmien tibda mis-sena ta’ referenza tal-2005.

L-Eurostat tixtieq tavżak li d-dejta dwar il-PDG għas-snin ta’ referenza tal-2013 u l-2014 għadha mhijiex disponibbli għalkollox għal-livelli 2 u 3 tan-NUTS.

Ir-reġjuni insulari tal-UE huma ddefiniti bħala reġjuni tal-livell 3 tan-NUTS li jew huma kompletament insulari jew li jiffurmaw parti minn gżejjer mingħajr kollegament fiss (pont jew mina) mal-kontinent.

[1] Il-klassifikazzjoni komuni ta’ unitajiet territorjali għall-istatistika (NUTS) hija sistema ġerarkika li biha t-territorju ekonomiku tal-UE jiġi diviż fi tliet livelli territorjali, bil-livell 1 tagħha jkun jinkludi l-ikbar reġjuni u l-livell 3 l-iżgħar reġjuni. Tista’ ssib aktar tagħrif dwar dan fl-indirizz elettroniku li ġej:

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