
San Girgor… Armata Ewropea… Pete Buttigieg

Kien ili ma ninżel Marsaxlokk waranofsinhar għal San Girgor. It-temp dis-sena ma tantx inzerta imma l-folla li nġabret xorta kienet ferreħija u fil-burdata li tieħu gost bla ma toqgħod tfettaq. Ir-ristoranti għamlu negozju tajjeb u l-istess il-bejjiegħa tas-suq. Hawn, bil-maqlub tal-aħħar darba li żort l-inħawi, l-Maltin kienu f’maġġoranza kbira fuq it-turisti. Erġajt iltqajt ma’ ħafna

Press Releases

Crucial to elect MEPS defending Malta first and foremost

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said it is crucial for the Maltese and Gozitans to elect representatives who place Malta’s interests first and foremost at the forthcoming European elections. Malta will face a difficult scenario in the European Parliament in the next five years, even tougher than it was during the past five years. Malta’s


Tentufiet Ewropej

Wieħed jiftakar il-kjass li sar fil-Parlament Ewropew u mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea dwar il-Pilatus Bank li ġie akkużat li ħasel u ħawwad trasferimenti ta’ ftit mijiet ta’ miljuni ta’ ewro. Saret investigazzjoni sħiħa dwar hekk mill-Awtorità Bankarja Ewropea. Indaħlet il-Kummissjoni biex jiċċensuraw dak li sar u joħorġu l-kundanni u t-twissijiet tagħhom, mhux l-anqas lejn l-Awtorità Maltija li


Social cases

Situations exist among families that seem to reflect not only the internal relations they hold, but also what happens in their surroundings – given the web of social relations they find themselves in. For instance, one encounters situations of unemployed people who never find work. And this in an economic scenario where job opportunities are

Press Releases

Malta’s success story built on the sacrifices of thousands of Labour soldiers of steel

Malta’s success story has been built on the sacrifices of thousands of Labour soldiers of steel who struggled in colonial and post-colonial times to leave a Labour movement dedicated to create jobs, strengthening freedom and striving for social justice, former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said when visiting Victor Attard at his home in Vittoriosa. Victor

Press Releases

Alfred Sant to address summit commemorating the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant will be a keynote speaker in a Summit commemorating the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in the German capital. Berlin Wall 30 – From the Divided to the City of Freedom: The 30th Anniversary for the Fall of the Wall, organized by the Academy for Cultural

Press Releases

1000 Gozitans pursuing their studies at the University of Malta

Almost 1000 Gozitan young people are pursuing their studies at the University of Malta, one fifth of University’s population, Gozo University Group (GUG) officials told former Prime Minister Alfred Sant. The Gozitan students shared their concerns and ambitions during an informal meeting with the Maltese MEP, namely connectivity problems between Gozo and Malta, job opportunities


Regoli Ewropej… Strasburgu… Alan Garcia

Ħadd jew kważi f’Malta ma għandu idea ta’ xinhuma “covered bonds”. Aħna ma nużawhomx. F’pajjiżi bħall-Ġermanja, l-Italja u d-Danimarka servew għal sekli bħala mod kif jiġu finanzjati mingħajr riskju, proġetti mill-aktar siewja. Fl-aħħar tliet snin, sar sforz biex is-swieq li fihom jinbiegħu il-“covered bonds” jingħaqdu f’qafas Ewropew. Kelli x’naqsam ma’ dan il-proġett min-naħa tal-Parlament Ewropew.

Press Releases

The european parliament has given in to the facile stigmatisation of Malta

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant accused the European Parliament of giving in to the facile stigmatisation of countries like Malta, making his last intervention before Parliament’s recess. The Maltese MEP explained why he had abstained on the final vote on the text of the resolution ‘Negotiations with Council and Commission on European Parliament’s right of