Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said that Brexit should not be used as an opportunity to shift towards a federal EU. Despite widespread discontent across Europe, the prevalent tone at EU level is how to integrate the union further so as to avoid a second Brexit. That is a very dangerous stance. Those advocating a federal Europe are putting the cart before the horse when they should be discussing how to consolidate what has already been achieved. Dr Sant, addressing a Conference on Brexit in Valletta, said the election of Donald Trump as US president is proof that globalisation has left too many people behind and will have an impact on the upcoming Brexit negotiations between the EU and the UK.

The Trump phenomenon shows that globalisation has marginalised many people. This stream of thought is really gathering momentum. These forgotten people are now attached to the technology of mass media communication to the detriment of the mainstream politicans. This real political need to deal with the consequences of globalisation must be controlled and managed, and this will be the background to the Brexit negotiations, said the Maltese MEP.

Dr Sant said the Brexit negotiations will be entirely complex. EU member states are extremely conscious that their decisions could galvanise the far-right parties in their own parties. The French socialists are aware that any misstep in their handling of Brexit will affect their internal situation vis-a-vis their handling Front National. Germany is aware that the EU will lose the second most important contributor to the EU’s budget with the departure of the UK from the EU, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel is extremely conscious that the right-wing populist AfD party will swoop on anything that Germany gives up to the UK.


It-tluq tar-Renju Unit mill-Unjoni Ewropea m’għandux jintuża bħala opportunita` biex l-Unjoni Ewropea tersaq lejn stat federali. Minkejja l-iskuntentizza dejjem tinfirex fl-Ewropa, it-ton prevalenti fl-Unjoni Ewropea huwa kif l-Unjoni tiġi integrata aktar biex jiġi evitat it-tieni BREXIT. Dan huwa perikoluż ħafna. Dawk li qed jitkellmu favur Ewropa Federali għandhom jikkonsolidaw dak li nkiseb sa issa, wissa l-Ewroparlamentari Malti Alfred Sant waqt Konferenza dwar il-BREXIT, lejlet il-Presidenza ta’ Malta tal-Unjoni Ewropea.
Il-ħatra ta’ Trump bħala President Amerikan turi li l-globalizzazzjoni ħalliet ħafna nies emarġinati u żgur se jkollha impatt fuq in-negozjati tal-BREXIT bejn l-Unjoni Ewropea u r-Renju Unit. Il-fenomenu ta’ Trump qed jinfirex. Iċ-ċittadini l-minsija issa qed jirċievu l-informazzjoni bit-teknoloġija tal-kommunikazzjoni diġitali b’detriment għall-gruppi politiċi tradizzjonali. Il-konsegwenzi tal-globalizzazzjoni jridu jiġu indirizzati malajr u dan se jkun l-isfond għan-negozjati tal-BREXIT.

‘In-negozjati tal-BREXIT se jkunu kumplessi. L-istati membri tal-UE huma konxji li d-deċiżjonijiet tagħhom jistgħu jsaħħu l-partiti estremisti tal-lemin f’pajjiżhom. Is-Soċjalisti Franċiżi konxji li n-negozjati tal-BREXIT jistgħu jsaħħu l-Front Nazzjonali f’pajjiżhom. Il-Ġermanja taf li l-UE issa se titlef it-tieni l-akbar kontributur bit-tluq tar-Renju Unit mill-Unjoni waqt li Merkel taf li AfD, il-partit tal-lemin estrem fil-Ġermanja, se jaħtaf kull opportunita` jekk il-Ġermanja iċċedi għat-talbiet tar-Renju Unit,’ qal Dr Sant.

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