Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant told the European Parliament that as a Socialist he finds it impossible to ignore the voices raised among trade unions and civil society representatives in Europe – as well as in Canada – who have claimed that the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) as an agreement is not a good one. “I would further argue that this also holds for CETA as a template for future trade and investment agreements by the EU. I have therefore voted against its approval.” Said the Maltese MEP when explaning why he voted against the approval of the free trade agreement between the EU and Canada.
“I fully accept that Canada is a country which shares the EU’s democratic values and with which the EU should promote the best political and economic relations possible. However CETA is an inadequate tool by which to achieve this objective, not least because it will serve as a template for future similar relations with other, stronger, more economically significant powers and regions. We live at times when globalisation urgently needs to be managed in the interests of those who are least in the position to defend their situation and their future. The CETA template will not help to do so. It will furher enhance the process by which the global economy is being oligopolised. In turn, this will further strengthen the power of the emerging global oligopolies.” Remarked the Maltese MEP.
The European Parliament approved the agreement with 408 votes in favour, 254 against and 33 abstentions. The agreement is expected to be applied provisionally from as early as April 2017.


“Bħala soċjalist ma nistax ninjora l-ilħna tat-trade unions u s-soċjeta’ fl-Ewropa u l-Kanada – li qed jisħqu li l-ftehim ekonomiku u kummerċjali bejn l-UE u l-Kanada (CETA) mhux wieħed ġust. Aktar minn hekk is-CETA jista’ jitqies bħala qafas għal ftehimiet ekonomiċi u kummerċjali li se tkun qed tagħmel l-Unjoni Ewropea fil-futur. Għalhekk ivvotajt kontrih”. Dan qalu Alfred Sant fil-Parlament Ewropew meta spjega għala ivvota kontra l-ftehim ta’ kummerċ bejn l-UE u l-Kanada.
“Nifhem li l-Kanada taqsam l-istess valuri demokratiċi tal-UE u magħha l-Unjoni għandha tippromwovi wkoll l-aħjar relazzjonijiet politiċi u ekonomiċi. Iżda s-CETA hija għodda inadegwata għal dan il-għan. Dan għaliex il-ftehim se jservi bħala qafas għal arranġamenti simili ma’ pajjiżi, li ekonomikament huma potenzi kbar u aktar b’saħħithom. Aħna ngħixu fi żminijiet fejn il-globalizzazzjoni teħtieġ li tkun adattata għall-interessi ta’ dawk li l-inqas jistgħu jiddefendu l-pożizzjoni u l-futur tagħhom. Il-qafas tas-CETA mhux se jgħin f’dan. Se jkompli jżid il-proċess li bih l-ekonomija globali se tkompli ssaħħaħ l-oligarkija.” irrimarka Alfred Sant.
Il-Parlament Ewropew approva l-ftehim b’408 vot favur, 254 vot kontra u 33 astenzjoni. Il-ftehim mistenni jiġi applikat b’mod proviżorju sa mill-bidu ta’ April 2017.

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