Gozitan representatives of University students, small and medium industries and local councils will address a Conference on Gozo’s Development within Europe at the Grand Hotel Mġarr, Gozo on Friday 28 October at 6.30pm. The Conference is being organised by the Gozo Branch of the Head of the PL Delegation at the European Parliament Alfred Sant in collaboration with the S&D. Dr Sant will address the concerns of the various sectors of the Gozitan community. Maria Dimech, President of the Gozo University Group will discuss the impact of investments in Gozo on the younger generations, Mr Joe Grech Chairman of the Gozo Business Chamber will highlight the ups and downs of small and medium industries in Gozo and Mr Joe Cordina will discuss Gozo’s role in Committee of regions of the EU. The Head of the PL Delegation at the European Parliament Alfred Sant, whose office is organising the Conference with the collaboration of S&D, will address the Conference.
The public is being invited to participate in the conference. No pre-booking is needed. However, those who need further information can contact Dr. Sant’s Office on email address info@alfredsant.eu or phone number 21490705.

A reception will follow the Conference.


Rappreżentanti Għawdxin ta’ studenti universitarji, industriji żgħar u medji u Kunsilli Lokali se jindirizzaw Konferenza dwar l-Iżvilupp ta’ Għawdex fl-Ewropa fil-Grand Hotel, Mġarr Għawdex il-Ġimgħa 28 ta’ Ottubru fis-6.30pm. Maria Grech, President tal-Grupp Universitarju ta’ Għawdex se titkellem dwar l-impatt tal-investimenti fuq iż-żgħażagħ Għawdxin, is-sur Joe Grech mill-Gozo Business Chamber jitkellem dwar ir-realtajiet tal-industriji żgħar u medji Għawdxin waqt li s-sur Joe Cordina jitkellem dwar ir-rwol ta’ Għawdex fil-Kumitat tar-reġjuni tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Il-Konferenza hija organizzata mill-Uffiċċju f’Għawdex tal-Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Laburista fil-Parlament Ewropew Dr Alfred Sant bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-S&D. Dr Sant se jitkellem dwar it-tħassib tal-Għawdxin dwar diversi oqsma affettwata mill-politika tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

Il-pubbliku mistieden jipparteċipa fil-konferenza. M’hemmx bżonn ta’ booking minn qabel. Dawk li jixtiequ aktar informazzjoni jistgħu jikkuntattjaw l-Uffiċċju ta’ Dr Sant fuq l-indirizz elettroniku info@alfredsant.eu jew in-numru tat-telefow 21490705.

Ikun hemm riċeviment wara l-Konferenza.

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