No matter how the Brexit debate is resolved, two major challenges will continue to face Europe – immigration and the threat of terrorism. How will these challenges shape up when the Brexit referendum is over? That is the question being put up for public discussion in a meeting with the theme “EUROPE: Immigration and Terrorism” being organised for voters of six electoral districts of the south by the office of MEP Alfred Sant.

It will be held on purpose one day after the Brexit referendum to update participants on how the EU’s institutions will be reacting and taking positions, once the British have decided to stay or leave the EU. Will their decision increase further the pressure of migration on continental European countries? Will it sharpen or weaken the joint European response to terrorism?

Nikita Zammit Alamango and Mark Camilleri, two educators, will cover various subjects related to Malta’s EU membership as well as wider EU issues. The Head of the PL Delegation at the European Parliament Alfred Sant, whose office is organising the Conference with the collaboration of S&D, will address the Conference.

It is being held at INSPIRE, Marsascala on Friday 24 June at 18.30hrs. The public is being invited to participate in the conference. No pre-booking is needed. However, those who need further information can contact Dr Sant’s Office on email address or phone number 21490705.

A reception will follow the Conference


Jiġri x’jiġri fid-dibattitu dwar il-Brexit, l-Ewropa se tibqa’ taffaċċja żewġ sfidi – l-immigrazzjoni u t-theddida tat-terroriżmu. Kif se jkomplu jitfasslu dawn l-isfidi meta jgħaddi r-referendum tar-Renju Unit? Din hija mistoqsija miftuħa għad-diskussjoni pubblika f’laqgħa bit-tema ‘L-Ewropa: Immigrazzjoni u Terroriżmu’ organizzata għall-elettorat tas-sitt distrett u tas-Sud mill-uffiċċju tal-Ewroparlamentari Alfred Sant.

Se ssir apposta ġurnata wara r-referendum dwar il-Brexit biex iżżomm aġġornati lil parteċipanti dwar ir-reazzjoni tal-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej u l-pożizzjoni tagħhom wara li l-poplu Brittanniku jkun iddeċieda l-futur tiegħu. Id-deċiżjoni se żżid aktar il-pressjoni tal-immigrazzjoni fil-pajjiżi tal-Ewropa kontinentali? Se ddgħajjef jew se ssaħħaħ it-tweġiba Ewropea għat-terroriżmu?

Nikita Zammit Alamango u Mark Camilleri, żewġ edukaturi, jiddiskutu suġġetti relatati mas-sħubija ta’ Malta fl-UE. Il-Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Maltija Laburista fil-Parlament Ewropew Alfred Sant jindirizza l-konferenza, organizzata mill-uffiċċju tiegħu bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-S&D.

Il-Konferenza se ssir l-INSPIRE, Marsascala nhar il-ġimgħa 24 ta’ Ġunju fit-18.30pm. Il-pubbliku mistieden jipparteċipa. Dawk li jeħtieġu aktar informazzjoni jistgħu jċemplu l-uffiċċju ta’ Dr Sant fuq in-numru 21490705 jew jibagħtu ittra elettronika fuq

Ikun hemm reception fl-aħħar tal-Konferenza.

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