Ma jistax isir mod ieħor jekk irridu li l-provisti tal-ħut li jinqabad mill-baħar ma jinqerdux. Neħtieġu kontroll u maniġġjar ta’ kemm u kif jinqabdu l-ispeċji differenti ta’ ħut. Biex dan isir b’mod effettiv, trid tinġabar u tinżamm statistika serja dwar is-sajd u l-qbid irid ikun regolat.

Issa hi ħaġa magħrufa li l-aqwa qbid isir mis-sajd li jitmexxa b’mod industrijali. Aktar minn kull forma ta’ sajd ieħor ġab tnaqqis kbir fil-provisti ta’ ħut fl-oċeani. Warajh jiġi s-sajd “tradizzjonali” li f’ħafna każi qed jinbela’ mis-sajd industrijali.

Imbagħad hemm is-sajd rekreattiv, li jsir minn individwi bħala sport jew mogħdija taż-żmien. Jintqal li fil-Mediterran pereżempju, dan ukoll irid jiġi regolat. Il-problema hi li m’hemmx qbil ċar dwar fhiex jikkonsisti. Anzjan li jistad b’qasba minn fuq xatt tpoġġih fl-istess keffa bħal min joħroġ bid-dgħajsa imma mhux barra ħafna mill-kosta, anke bħala passatemp – jew ma’ xi ħadd li ġieli joħroġ bil-yacht għal-lampuki?



Għandha mnejn tkun ħaġa siewja li fiċ-ċifri tal-impjiegi, wieħed iħares mhux biss lejn in-nies impjegati fl-amministrazzjoni publika, imma lejn dawk kollha li b’xi mod jew ieħor, anke jekk mal-privat, għandhom xogħol li jiddependi minn fondi publiċi. Dan biex naslu għal stima ta’ x’piż in-nefqa tal-gvern qed ikollha biex toħloq l-impjiegi, fil-ħidma ekonomika li għaddejja bla nifs.

Ilu li spiċċa ż-żmien li jiddependu minn din in-nefqa biss in-nies li jaħdmu mal-gvern. L-ewwel per mezz ta’ entijiet “parastatali” li kienu qed joperaw f’ħafna każi b’sussidji mill-baġit publiku, imbagħad b’kumpaniji privati biex jagħmlu xogħol li qabel kien isir mill-gvern bl-impjegati tiegħu. Wara, inħolqu ħidmiet ġodda għal kollox ta’ servizzi u konsulenzi fost oħrajn, li jgħaddu awtomatikament lill-privat b’kuntratt waqt li jiffinanzjahom il-gvern.

Kemm hemm impjiegi “tal-gvern” fl-ekonomija Maltija li jmorru lil hinn minn impjieg fl-amministrazzjoni publika? – dik tkun il-mistoqsija.



Meta jkun hemm ksur ta’ kontinwità f’sitwazzjoni politika irid jgħaddi ż-żmien qabel l-affarijiet jerġgħu jikkalmaw u jieħdu kors prevedibbli. Sakemm jiġri dan, il-qagħda bilfors tinħass bħala kritika.

Tqum il-kwistjoni jekk l-affarijiet humiex se jerġgħu jieħdu l-istess fasla bħal qabel jew isegwu xi mudell ġdid ta’ imġiba – jekk il-bidla li sseħħ wara l-ksur tal-kontinwità hix se tkun waħda revoluzzjonarja jew bidla li ma ċċaqlaqx mill-qiegħ il-mod kif isiru l-affarijiet.

Jidher li l-“Punent” għaddej minn diskontinwità qawwija bħalissa. Jekk din hix waħda fondamentali jew ċaqliqa ta’ ftit żmien sakemm kollox imur lura lejn kif kien qabel, jew kważi, għad irridu naraw.

English Version – Recreational fishing

If we wish to preserve fish stocks in the oceans there can be no other way. There has to be control and management over how much and how different fish species are caught. For this to be effective, good data needs to be collected and kept regarding catches of fish while the overall activity must be subject to regulation.

Now it is well known that the most significant catches are registered by industrial concerns. They account, more than any other way of catching fish, for the serious depletion of stocks in the seas. In second place, well behind, come “traditional” fishermen who anyway, in many cases are being absorbed by industrial fishing.

Then comes recreational fishing, conducted by individuals as a sport or as a pastime. It is claimed that in the Mediterranean for instance, this too needs to be regulated. A problem here is that there is no clear agreement regarding how to define recreational fishing. Should an old man deploying a fishing rod by the waterside be put in the same balance as one who goes out with his boat not so far out the coast, as a past time – or as some yacht owner who occasionally goes out to catch dorado?


Public jobs?

One might find it worthwhile when analysing employment data, to go beyond employees in the public administration and consider all those who in one way or another, even if in private employment, carry out work that is underpinned by public funding.

It’s been a long while since only people directly employed by the public sector accounted for state funded jobs. A different situation first developed when “parastatal” entities were created if and as they operated on the basis of subsidies through the public budget. Then there came private companies to carry out work that was formerly done by the government with its own workers. Later, new service and consultancy jobs among others emerged and got automatically hived off under government contract to the private sector.

How many government “sponsored” jobs are there in the Maltese economy which lie outside the purview of the public administration? – that would be the question.



When a discontinuity occurs in a political situation, time will have to elapse before things settle and events resume in an intelligible manner. Till this takes place, crisis will be the order of the day.

The question arises as to whether matters will then follow patterns set in the past, or whether some new model is going to be established for how things should be done – whether the changes that follow on a discontinuity are revolutionary in scope, or whether they amount to a move which does not fundamentally alter the parameters that apply to a particular situation.

Right now, the West looks like it’s experiencing a major discontinuity. Will it lead to a fundamental change or is it just a short term blip till everything goes back – or almost – to how it used to be previously? We shall see.

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