Maltese MEP Alfred Sant abstained on the report ‘EU-NATO Relations’ at the European Parliament. Dr Sant said that since Malta is a neutral country, it is appropriate not to vote for or against issues arising from the relationship between the EU and NATO. Secondly, said the Maltese MEP, the report glosses over the real security and strategic interests of the EU and how they should be defined.
The Maltese MEP, when explaining his vote, said there is a vital interest for European nations to harmonise their armament requirements, if only to achieve scale economies in research and development projects within the parameters of a single market. That would also complement NATO’s defence planning through an easier cooperation between the armed forces of member states of both the EU and NATO.
“In the absence of a doctrine by which EU security interests gets articulated and defended, the present approach could have continuing unforeseen consequences. It could lead to “ad hoc” military operations, sanctioned or overseen by NATO, around the EU’s periphery for which the legitimation remains questionable. But they would still reflect and affect the EU as a whole. Given the uncertainties that initiatives launched by the Trump administration have provoked, it is hardly wise for the EU to act in ways that could trigger further uncertainties.” remarked the Maltese MEP.
The resolution was passed with 441 votes in favour, 182 votes against and 57 abstentions.


Fil-Parlament Ewropew Alfred Sant astjena fuq ir-rapport ‘Ir-Relazzjonijiet tal-UE u N-NATO’. Dr Sant qal li peress li Malta hija pajjiż newtrali, huwa xieraq li ma jivvotax favur jew kontra kwistjonijiet dwar ir-relazzjoni bejn l-UE u n-Nato. It-tieni punt, qal l-MEP, ir-rapport ftit imiss is-sigurta` reali u l-interessi strateġiċi tal-UE u kif dawn għandhom jiġu definiti.
L-MEP Malti qal li hemm l-interess vitali li n-nazzjonijiet Ewropej jarmonizzaw ir-rekwiżiti tal-armamenti tagħhom, imqar biex jiksbu ekonomiji fuq skala kbira fi proġetti ta’ riċerka u żvilupp fi ħdan parametri ta’ suq uniku. Dan jikkumplimenta wkoll l-ippjanar tad-difiża tan-NATO permezz ta’ kooperazzjoni aktar faċli bejn il-forzi armati tal-Istati Membri, kemm tal-UE u kif ukoll tan-NATO.
“L-interessi tas-sigurta` tal-UE qed jiġu artikolati u appoġġjati fuq nuqqas ta’ prinċipji. Dan l-aġir jista’ jkollu konsegwenzi kontinwi u mhux previsti. Jista’ jwassal għal operazzjonijiet militari ‘ad hoc’, sanzjonati jew sorveljati min-NATO, madwar il-periferija tal-UE li l-leġittimita` tagħhom tibqa’ dubjuża. Iżda dawn xorta jirriflettu u jaffettwaw lill-UE kollha kemm hi. Minħabbba l-inċertezzi li ħolqu l-inizjattivi mnedija mill-Gvern Amerikan ta’ Trump, ma tantx hu għaqli li l-UE taġixxi b’tali mod li tista’ twassal għal aktar inċertezzi.” qal Alfred Sant.
Ir-riżoluzzjoni għaddiet b’441 vot favur, 182 vot kontra u 57 astensjonijiet.

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